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Professionals involved after a case is identified

Professionals involved after a case is identified


  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced Two residents were recently diagnosed with new gonorrhea that does not respond well to medication.
  • Gonorrhea It is the second most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Japan. we.
  • cases of sexually transmitted diseasesincluding gonorrhea, surged during the pandemic.

A new strain of gonorrhea that is more resistant to antibiotics is circulating in the United States.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) announced last week Two residents were recently diagnosed with a new strain of gonorrhea that is less responsive to drugs commonly used to treat the disease.

A case involving a similar strain was recently detected in Nevada.

Both Massachusetts cases were successfully treated with ceftriaxone, the current go-to drug for gonorrhea.

According to DPH, this is the first time that a Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain has shown resistance to five antibiotics in the United States.

Gonorrhea It is the second most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Japan. we.

cases of sexually transmitted diseasesIncluding gonorrhea, preventive treatment and care became a low priority and surged during a delayed pandemic.

Says the rise of drug-resistant pathogens poses a significant public threat Dr. Jake ScottBoard Certified Infectious Disease Specialist at Stanford Health Care.

“To curb this alarming trend, sexually active people who may be at risk for gonorrhea should be tested regularly, adhere to treatment when it is offered, and test results should be kept in check. If you test positive, it’s important to let your sex partner know and relapse.If you have ongoing symptoms or if you have gonococcal pharyngitis (a throat infection), get tested,” Scott said. told Healthline.

Dr. Priya ShankarDrug-resistant strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae have evolved since antibiotics were first used to treat the disease, says MPH, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, who specializes in reproductive and sexual health.

According to Shankar, the increased resistance may be related to several factors. Inadequate drug use, inappropriate drug use, incomplete treatment, and new mutations as bacteria evolve.

Health care providers often prescribe antibiotics to patients diagnosed with gonorrhea without knowing how susceptible the strain is to different antibiotics, says Scott.

“The use of partially effective antibiotics can lead to resistance through selective pressure,” says Scott.

“Antibiotics are often prescribed when they are not needed, and overuse of antibiotics is a major contributor to antibiotic resistance,” added Scott.

New antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones and cefixime have been developed. But the bacteria soon became resistant to them as well, Scott added.

Given gonorrhea’s long history of drug resistance, Scott expects new drug-resistant strains to continue to emerge. Unfortunately, new antibiotics are not being developed and approved fast enough.

Reinfection and recurrence of symptoms are common, so people who have been treated but have persistent symptoms are likely to be re-treated with ceftriaxone first, Shankar says.

They may also receive twice the dose of ceftriaxone, says Scott.

Patients will provide cultures if the provider suspects they may have developed a drug-resistant strain. antimicrobial susceptibility testing Helps identify which antibacterial regimen is most effective.

Shankar said patients would receive a combination of gentamicin and azithromycin if the strain was less susceptible to a particular drug.

“In rare cases of high levels of ceftriaxone resistance, ertapenem (also a derivative of penicillin) has been shown to be effective,” said Scott.

Gonorrhea is sexually transmitted, and some people develop symptoms such as vaginal or penile discharge, pain in the pelvis or testicles, pain or itching in the rectum, or no symptoms at all.

Asymptomatic cases contribute to inappropriate detection and treatment of cases, Scott says.

For this reason, it is important to ensure that all sexual partners are screened and treated for gonorrhea.

“It’s important that people at risk for sexually transmitted infections get regular, routine screenings, preferably at all potential anatomical sites of exposure,” says Scott.

Additionally, condoms are very effective in preventing the spread of gonorrhea, Shankar said.

Scott advised that people who test positive for gonorrhea should abstain from sexual intercourse for a week after treatment ends.

“If you’re sexually active, I encourage you to talk openly and openly about your reproductive health with your healthcare provider so they can find ways to support you,” Shankar said. Told.

A new strain of gonorrhea that is more resistant to antibiotics is circulating in the United States. Abuse and misuse of antibiotics contribute to the rise of drug-resistant strains. Drug-resistant gonorrhea can be treated with stronger doses of common antibiotics or combinations of other antibiotics.




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