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Do pre- or post-infection vaccinations prevent long-term COVID?

Do pre- or post-infection vaccinations prevent long-term COVID?


What factors contribute to the post-COVID-19 condition (“long-term COVID”)? Can vaccination before and after COVID-19 infection reduce the risk of prolonging COVID-19?

through the many waves and strains of COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease), infections range from asymptomatic to fatal. However, as early as 2020, it was recognized that symptoms of COVID-19 can persist for months after acute COVID-19 infection.

Common acute sequelae of COVID-19, often referred to aslong covid” include fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pain, anxiety and depression. Such symptoms are debilitating and can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.

Unlike traditional COVID-19 infections, young, healthy people can be infected with COVID for long periods of time, just like older, immunocompromised people. Overall, the duration and pathophysiology of her COVID in the long term may vary greatly from person to person and also depend on the COVID-19 variant she was infected with.

new studywas published in JAMA infectionanalyzed factors associated with the post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) and examined medical encounters in these long-term COVID patients.

the role of COVID-19 vaccinationhas proven to be highly protective against acute illness, hospitalization, and death, but its ability to prevent long-term COVID is unknown. “If pre- or post-infection vaccination reduces the effects of PCC, there is a stronger argument for vaccination,” wrote the study authors. “Thus, vaccination as a potential intervention for PCC.” Further evidence is urgently needed to better clarify the role of

The aim of the study was to describe the long-term experience after COVID-19 infection and the factors that increase the risk of long-term COVID. The researchers also investigated whether her pre- and post-infection COVID-19 vaccinations affected her likelihood of PCC, and the frequency of organ-specific health care visits before and after COVID-19 infection. Quantified.

The cohort study utilized data from the EPICC study, a study approved by the Review Board of the College of Uniform Service. EPICC eligibility includes testing for COVID-19, presentation of COVID-19-like illness, and/or exposure to his confirmed COVID-19 infection. All participants provided written informed consent.

These particular analyzes included 1832 patients aged 18 to 44 years. Participants who reported symptoms of COVID-19 recorded the date of symptom onset, severity of symptoms, duration of illness, and, if applicable, length of hospital stay.

Of the 1832 study patients, 61.0% were male, 77.1% were unvaccinated at the time of infection, and 70.4% had no complications. A total of 728 participants (39.7%) had symptoms lasting more than 28 days and were qualified as long-term her COVID patients. Of his long-term COVID patients, 19.9% ​​(n = 364) had his symptoms lasting 28–89 days and 19.9% ​​(n = 364) had his PCC lasting >90 days. rice field.

Participants who were unvaccinated when they contracted COVID-19 were more likely to report moderate to severe infection, longer hospital stays, and more likely to report symptoms lasting more than 28 days. became. He also had an average Charlson Comorbidity score of 5 or higher.

Initially unvaccinated participants who were vaccinated after COVID-19 had a 41% lower risk of PCC persisting beyond six months.

The findings demonstrate that longer-term COVID risk is exacerbated by more severe acute illness, higher Charlson Comorbidity Score Index, and lack of vaccination. Additionally, six months after being infected with COVID-19, participants were at higher risk of receiving pulmonary, diabetic, neurological, and mental health care than before infection.

Given the high strain on patients and healthcare systems during prolonged COVID-19, it is important to study post-COVID-19 conditions and implement strategies such as post-infection vaccination that may mitigate them. is important.




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