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Depression and Diet: New Study Finds Link

Depression and Diet: New Study Finds Link


new study A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found a correlation between a high-inflammatory diet and an increased risk of depression.

And the researchers say their findings have implications for public health. This is because it shows that a controlled diet may help people with depression or even prevent the disease in the first place.

Participants included 30,627 people in the United States surveyed from 2007 to 2018 in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a research program designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States. was included.

This study aimed to assess the association with the dietary inflammatory index (two)This is a scoring algorithm designed to estimate how diet affects inflammation in the body and consequently health outcomes, and will be used in the NHANES cross-sectional study.

Participants were asked about the foods they consumed in their diet, scored based on dietary inflammation, and were also rated for depression.

Based on this data, researchers discovered a so-called J-shaped relationship. It is defined, according to scholars, as a non-linear relationship between two variables, appearing as a curve that initially descends and then rises to a higher level. Starting point between DII and depression.

That is, at some point, the amount of inflammation in my body seemed to exceed what my body was capable of.

We then found that higher inflammation in a participant’s body began to correlate with a significantly higher risk of depression in the participant, as indicated by the J-shape.

This J-shaped relationship indicates a positive association between depression and inflammation, with researchers assessing demographic data, lifestyle, disease, body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP) There was no effect even after adjusting for factors such as This is the level of certain proteins the liver makes when inflammation in the body is too high.

According to the study authors, this confirmed the link between high inflammation and depression in adults in the United States.

research High intake of inflammatory foods such as sugar and fat and low intake of fruits and vegetables have been linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and coronary heart disease.

meanwhile other the study The Mediterranean diet, a low-inflammatory diet consisting of large amounts of vegetables and fruits, more seafood than meat, and other high-fat foods such as olive oil, may actually help prevent or reverse chronic disease. is shown.

and in the past the study We have found that many chronic diseases can actually get worse as a result of chronic inflammation in the body. Are known Depression can also worsen from this chronic inflammation, which is a slow, long-term inflammation that lasts for months to years.

Approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression, according to World Health Organization, and this percentage is increasing year by year.

in Canada alone Estimate One in four Canadians suffers from depression severe enough to require treatment at some point in their lives.

High-Inflammatory Foods to Avoid or Limit, According to Harvard Medical School includeContain: Refined carbohydrates, french fries or other fried foods, pops and other sugary drinks, red and processed meats, margarine, shortening, lard.

Nutrient-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, tomatoes, olive oil, fatty fish, and fruits should be consumed as part of an anti-inflammatory diet.

The researchers wrote that because diet is a modifiable factor, these findings have significant implications not only for clinical practice but also for public health. Restricting sex foods can reduce and prevent depression, researchers say.




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