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Coronavirus Live Update: Texas Dogs Verified COVID-19


William Mansell and Emily Shapiro, ABC News

(New York) — The new coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 555,000 people worldwide.

Data compiled by the Systems Sciences and Engineering Center at Johns Hopkins University diagnoses more than 12.2 million people worldwide with COVID-19. COVID-19 is a disease caused by the new respiratory virus. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to lack of testing, many unreported cases, and suspicions that some governments hide the extent of national outbreaks.

The United States has become the most affected country with over 3.1 million diagnoses and at least 133,420 deaths.

Shows how the news unfolds on Friday. Always eastern:

12:00 pm: Mexico closes border closure with US

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Evlar said Friday that the Mexican-US border closure should be extended until August, or until there is a “denial” in a US lawsuit.

“Our view and the Secretary of Health’s view is that it’s unwise to reopen because it’s the impact of the new pandemic that we cause,” Ebrard said at a press conference. “That is what the local government is looking for to extend unnecessary travel restrictions.”

11:30 am: South Carolina orders restrict alcohol sales

In South Carolina, where COVID-19 is booming, Governor Henry McMaster said he issued an administrative order banning the sale of alcohol at bars and restaurants every night after 11pm.

The order began on Saturday and will continue until further notice, he said on Friday.

The governor warned that restaurants and bars that violated the order could be fined or their alcohol permits could be suspended or revoked.

Alcohol can still be purchased at wine and liquor stores.

South Carolina’s positive rate stood at 20.6% on Thursday. As of Thursday, three quarters of state hospital beds were in use.

11am: Eleven-year-old girl dies with over 11,000 new cases reported in Florida

Florida reported 11,433 new cases on Friday, bringing the total number of cases in the state to 244,151.

Florida’s positive rate dropped to 12.7%, down 5.5% from Thursday.

Among the 4,203 deaths in the state was an 11-year-old Fort Lauderdale girl, reported by ABC Miami affiliate WPLG, citing a local medical inspector. According to WPLG, girls are suffering from underlying disorders such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and asthma.

Miami-Dade counties, including Miami, and Broward counties, including Fort Lauderdale, were particularly hard hit, but both showed improvement on Friday.

Miami-Dade reported 2,360 new cases and a positive rate of 20.2%, down from 26.2% on Thursday.

Broward County reported 1,627 new cases and a 15% positive rate, down from 22.7% a day ago.

9:40 am: Texas dog confirmed to be COVID-19

According to federal authorities and the Texas Animal Health Commission, dogs in Tarrant County, Texas have been identified with SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes COVID-19 in humans.

According to the Animal Health Commission, dogs were tested after the owner was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus.

Two-year-old dogs are considered healthy, officials said.

“Based on our current knowledge, there is no evidence that pets play a significant role in spreading SARS-CoV-2 to people,” said Andy Schwartz, a veterinarian in Texas, in a statement. “Restricting contact with pets and other animals is important, as with anyone else, when they are infected with COVID-19 to protect them from infection.”

8:45 am: Boston moratorium on eviction extended to year end

Mayor Marty Walsh said Friday that Boston had extended a non-essential eviction suspension until the end of the year as pandemics continue to hit the economy.

This suspension, which began in March, applies to residents of the Boston Housing Administration’s public housing.

In a statement, the mayor said, “These are extraordinary times, and now we all need to get together so that we can continue to live and work in the cities where the most vulnerable people live,” he said. It was

08:03: Judge’s Rule Against Texas GOP

A judge in the Harris County District Court ruled after the Texas Republican appealed after Mayor Houston and Sylvester Turner canceled the city’s in-state GOP treaty.

Turner canceled the Texas Republican face-to-face state conference scheduled to start in Houston on July 16, due to a surge in coronavirus cases in the state and city.

“Look, these are some very serious times, and the safety of the people attending the convention, employees, their families, and the people of Houston is a public health concern,” Turner said. Stated in a statement. “All first responders and local workers come into contact with or in close proximity to indoor gatherings. Public health concerns are more important than anything else.”

The Texas GOP expects a “liberal” court decision and will appeal to the Texas Supreme Court.

“It didn’t matter which court the case landed on, it didn’t matter which court it came to,” he said. “Thanks to them for their quick refusal so we can move forward with the appeal we have prepared.”

Turner canceled this conference at the George R. Brown Convention Center after the city’s local authorities. Dr. David Persse called the GOP conference “a clear and present danger.”

5:13 am: US COVID-19 deaths begin to increase again

According to the COVID Follow-Up Project, the number of national coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to increase. At least 867 people died at COVID-19 on Thursday in the United States

Nationwide, the seven-day average is starting to rise after a long-term decline, according to the COVID Tracking Project.

The last three days were the highest number reported by the organization since early June. This increase in deaths is concentrated in states with large outbreaks. Texas, California, and Florida all had the highest Thursday deaths across all pandemics.

The news came out because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID-19 mortality forecast on Thursday, saying it’s expected to kill 140,000 to 160,000 by 1 August.

CDC forecasts include Arizona, Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, US Virgin Islands, and West Virginia. New deaths over the next four weeks have exceeded those reported in the past four weeks. In other states, new deaths are expected to be the same or slightly lower than those seen in the last four weeks.

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