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9 Best Foods for High Blood Pressure (And 6 Worst Foods)

9 Best Foods for High Blood Pressure (And 6 Worst Foods)


6. Yogurt

Eating yogurt regularly can lower blood pressure by about 7 points, according to a 2021 study study Published in International Dairy Journal“Dairy products are a great source of nutrients such as calcium, potassium and magnesium,” says Chris Etherton. All of these have been shown to help lower blood pressure.

Many yogurts are rich in probiotics, which are good bacteria that also help control blood pressure.His 2014 review published in the journal high blood pressure We concluded that regular consumption of probiotics reduced systolic blood pressure (top numbers) by about 3.6 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (bottom numbers) by about 2.4 mmHg. Full-fat yogurt is fine if you like the taste: According to research It does not raise blood pressure any more than low-fat or fat-free versions.

7. Beats

A 2021 Danish study published in European Journal of Epidemiology People who ate the most nitrate-rich vegetables, such as beets and leafy greens, had an average of about 2.6 points lower systolic blood pressure than those who ate the least of these foods.

8. Fatty fish

Fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel are all rich in healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. But it may also help improve blood pressure in an indirect way, says Vadiveloo. Eating it can also have a positive effect on your blood pressure,” she explains.

A 2022 study published in American Heart Association Journal People who consumed two to three grams of the two omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, had about a two-point drop in blood pressure compared to those who did not.

9. Whole Grains

“They’re a rich source of magnesium, especially when compared to white bread,” says Vadiveloo. A 2020 Japanese study published in the journal nutrients People who ate a lot of whole grains were about 60% less likely to have high blood pressure over three years than those who didn’t.

6 foods to avoid for high blood pressure

1. Restaurant food

About 70% of the sodium we consume comes from packaged or restaurant foods, according to the CDC. “I just saw a patient going to a restaurant on a day with high blood pressure and ordering takeout, like Chinese food,” he says. Your best bet is to limit eating out as much as possible. If so, ask if you can see the nutrition facts (including sodium).

you can also ask not to add salt For your meal. “You may want to order sauces on the side to cut down on salt,” advises Goldberg. . All of these tend to be cooked in a way that is low in sodium.

2. Cheese

It may seem like a healthy snack because it’s packed with blood pressure-lowering calcium, but many types of cheese are loaded with salt, says Chris Etherton. She recommends sticking to low-sodium cheeses like Swiss cheese and fresh mozzarella.

3. Condiments

Ketchup, soy sauce, bottled salad dressings, bottled salsa, and mustard can all be high in sodium. Look for a reduced-salt version, or opt for lemon juice or vinegar for added flavor, Ruffin advises.

4. Canned beans (no washing)

The beans themselves are good for the heart and help lower blood pressure, but canned varieties usually contain salt. to reduce the salt content.Cut Sodium To The Max 40 percentbut does not contain other heart-healthy vitamins and minerals.

5. Baked goods

Bread and rolls are number one on the list of top sources of sodium, according to the CDC. A slice of bread typically contains only 100 to 200 mg of sodium, but eating a lot of bread (many of us do) can add salt. Try to avoid baked goods as much as possible. For example, eat oatmeal instead of toast for breakfast and avoid rolls for dinner. Opt for brown rice or quinoa instead.

6. Alcohol

A 2019 study published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology Of the more than 17,000 American adults, moderate drinking — defined as 7 to 13 drinks per week — more than doubled the risk of developing high blood pressure. “Alcohol is toxic to the heart and can weaken the heart muscle,” explains Goldberg. It can also raise blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association.




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