How Bariatric Surgery Lowers Death Risk
- Bariatric surgery is used by many people to facilitate weight loss.
- The surgery may also reduce mortality from most causes, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, according to researchers.
- Their findings also include information to help people decide whether to have surgery and what to do afterward, they say.
person who has bariatric surgery The likelihood of dying from most causes appears to be reduced.
Among other conditions, bariatric surgery reduced mortality from diabetes by 72%, one researcher said.
Researchers looked at health data from nearly 22,000 people who underwent one of four types of bariatric surgery between 1982 and 2018.
We compared all-cause and specific-cause mortality (including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer) in people undergoing bariatric surgery with age-, sex-, and BMI-matched non-surgical participants.
Findings include:
- Patients who underwent surgery had a 16% lower all-cause mortality rate compared to those who did not
- 29% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease
- 43% reduction in cancer mortality
- 72% reduction in diabetes mortality
- Mortality from chronic liver disease was 83% higher in those who underwent surgery
“This study reaffirms previous studies showing long-term benefits of bariatric surgery.” Dr. Mir Aliis a bariatric surgeon and medical director of the Memorial Care Surgical Weight Loss Center in Orange Coast Medical Center, California.
“Surgery has numerous long-term health benefits and increases life expectancy. obesity It can adversely affect all organ systems of the body, and reaching a healthy weight can reverse these effects,” Ali told Healthline.
The researchers noted that the higher suicide rate among younger participants may indicate a need for more in-depth psychological screening before and after surgery.
“Bariatric Surgery Will Change Your Life” Dr. Megan Jenkinsis a General Surgeon specializing in Advanced Laparoscopy, Bariatrics, and General Surgery at NYU Langone Health, New York.
“Bariatric surgery is like hitting the reset button,” Jenkins told Healthline. You are about to start a new lifestyle.”
Bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery, makes changes to the digestive system to help people lose weight.
there is
gastric sleeve surgery Because most of a person’s stomach is removed, leaving a smaller, banana-shaped portion, it limits the amount of food that can fit and makes you feel full faster. May affect metabolism.
gastric bypass has three steps. The first is to staple the sections together to reduce the size of the stomach. The second is to resect the upper portion of the small intestine. This allows food to bypass most of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. Your body absorbs fewer calories. Finally, the upper part of the small intestine is reconnected to the lower part of the intestine, allowing the digestive juices of the stomach to bypass the upper part of the small intestine.
New research provides information doctors can share with patients when making decisions.
“Most people who struggle with being overweight have two goals in mind when trying to lose weight. improving the quality of life and their ability to be active and engaged.” Dr. AS Brian KevemanBariatric Surgeon, Founder of New Programs in Orange County, California, and Author of Restructuring the Diet.
“Other studies have shown an improvement in quality of life. This study confirms that improving their health status leads to a reduced risk of premature death,” he told Healthline. .
“We also use information about liver disease as a warning to patients. Mindful of their drinking habits after surgery.
Qualifications for bariatric surgery may vary from physician to physician.
According to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons: include Persons with a BMI of 35 or greater and those with metabolic disorders with a BMI of 30-35.
“It’s important that everyone undergoes psychological screening, as studies have shown increased suicide rates after surgery,” Jenkins said. Patient confidence: Do they believe this will work Do they believe the surgery will improve their lives? can you
Many obesity treatment programs and insurance companies require psychological screening before surgery.
“Perhaps we need to look deeper into the screening process and find more effective ways to identify at-risk individuals. Careful, long-term follow-up has always been an integral part of our program. I believe it is and should be an integral part of any comprehensive weight loss program.”
For several days after surgery, people tend to feel typical postoperative symptoms. University of California, San Francisco.
The best way to recover quickly is to get active as soon as possible under the guidance of a medical professional.
Exercise is essential after bariatric surgery. Experts say you should try to get up and move around the same day or the next. At least he should try walking three times a day and doing some leg exercises. A physical therapist can help determine the optimal amount of exercise.
“Exercise is the main factor in successfully maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery,” Keveman said. “All patients say they want to lose weight to increase physical activity. We have to tell the patient.”
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