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Should You Avoid Gel Nail Polish To Avoid Risks? Here’s What The Experts Say

Should You Avoid Gel Nail Polish To Avoid Risks? Here’s What The Experts Say


A new study has found that radiation from nail dryers can damage DNA and cause cancer-causing mutations in human cells. These papers, published Jan. 17 in Nature Communications, are not new when it comes to concerns about ultraviolet (UV) radiation from any source. In fact, the results reaffirm why some dermatologists have changed how they get their nail polish gels, or stopped getting them altogether. Julia Curtis, Ph.D., assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, was not involved in the study.” Ultraviolet light, a type of electromagnetic radiation, has wavelengths ranging from 10 to 400 nanometers, according to the UCAR Science Education Center.Ultraviolet A light (315 to 400 nanometers in sunlight) penetrates deeper into the skin. and commonly used in popular UV nail dryers in the last decade. Tanning beds use 280 to 400 nanometers, while the spectrum used in nail dryers is 340 to 395 nanometers, according to the study’s news release. We should be concerned,” said corresponding author Ludmil Alexandrov in a news release. “But to our knowledge, no one has ever actually studied these devices and how they affect human cells at the molecular and cellular level.” He holds a dual title as Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Cellular and Molecular Medicine at San Diego. The researchers exposed human and mouse cells to UV light and found that 20% to 30% of the cells died in a 20-minute session. After three consecutive 20-minute exposures, he killed 65% to 70% of the exposed cells. The remaining cells suffered mitochondrial and DNA damage, resulting in the pattern of mutations observed in human skin cancer. The biggest limitation of this study is that exposing cell lines to UV light is different from conducting live human or animal studies. Dermatologist Dr. Julie Russac, founder of Russac Dermatology Clinic in New York City, said: Russak was not involved in this research. “Most UV radiation is absorbed by the top layer of the skin. When irradiating the cells of a petri dish directly, it is slightly different. There is no protection from the skin, corneocytes, or the top layer. It also, however, This study, along with previous evidence, such as case reports of people developing squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer associated with UVA dryers, says, “Definitely, hands and fingers It just exposes the skin to UVA light without any protection,” said Shari Lipner, M.D., associate professor of clinical dermatology and director of the Nail Division at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. I wasn’t part of this study. Reduce Your Risks If you’re worried about gel manicures but don’t want to quit, there are some precautions you can take to reduce your risks. Wear UV gloves with your fingertips trimmed when you’re healing your nails,” says Curtis, who doesn’t get a gel manicure. “We recommend alternatives to gel nails, such as new wraps available online.” (Gel nail wraps or strips are stick-on gel nail products that don’t always need to be set with a UV nail dryer.) The salon uses LED lights. “Lipner said. Lipner gets a regular nail polish that usually lasts seven to 10 days. Not to avoid UV rays, but she doesn’t like the nail-thinning acetone dip that accompanies gel nail polish.” I let it dry in the air,” she added. “Gel manicures must be curated or sealed and can only be done with UVA light because they need to be curated or sealed and the polymers in the polish must be activated. Examine the skin for signs of skin cancer and avoid serious problems.” (UV rays can also age skin and appear as dark spots and wrinkles. But Curtis recommends saving them for special occasions.) Pre-application of a serum rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C might also help, she added. Much better, but is it worth the risk of photoaging and skin cancer? Probably not.” Or immunosuppression, experts say. But whether it’s risky or not, a CNN dermatologist cautioned. To do.

A new study finds that radiation from nail dryers can damage DNA and cause cancer-causing mutations in human cells.

Some dermatologists described their findings as follows: Concerns about ultraviolet (UV) radiation from all sources are nothing new, according to Nature Communications. In fact, the results reaffirm why some dermatologists have changed how they get gel nail polish, or stopped getting it altogether.

“These findings contribute to previously published data on the harmful effects of (ultraviolet) radiation, which show direct cell death and tissue damage that lead to skin cancer,” said the University of Utah. says Julia Curtis, Ph.D., assistant professor of dermatology. , was not involved in the study.

“Tanning beds are listed as carcinogenic, and UV nail lamps are little tanning beds for nails to cure gel nails,” Curtis said.

Ultraviolet light, a type of electromagnetic radiation, has wavelengths ranging from 10 to 400 nanometers. UCAR Science Education Center.

The ultraviolet A light (315-400 nanometers) found in sunlight penetrates deep into the skin and is commonly used in UV nail dryers that have become popular over the last decade. Tanning beds use 280 to 400 nanometers, while the spectrum used by nail dryers is 340 to 395 nanometers. news release for research.

“Looking at the way these devices are presented, they are advertised as safe and there is nothing to worry about,” said corresponding author Rudmir Aleksandrov in a news release. “But to our knowledge, no one has ever actually studied these devices and how they affect human cells at the molecular and cellular level,” Aleksandrov said. He holds a dual title as Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of California, San Diego.

Researchers exposed human and mouse cells to UV light and found that 20% to 30% of the cells died in a 20-minute session. After three consecutive 20-minute exposures, he killed 65% to 70% of the exposed cells. The remaining cells suffered mitochondrial and DNA damage, resulting in the pattern of mutations observed in human skin cancer.

The biggest limitation of the study is that exposing cell lines to UV light is different from working with living humans or animals, says dermatologist and founder of the Russak Dermatology Clinic in New York City. Physician Julie Russak, Ph.D. Russak was not involved in her research.

“When you’re doing it (irradiating) in a human hand, there’s definitely a difference,” Russak said. “Most UV radiation is absorbed by the top layer of the skin. When irradiating the cells of a petri dish directly, it is slightly different. There is no protection from the skin, corneocytes, or the top layer. It is also very direct UVA radiation.”

However, this study, combined with previous evidence, such as case reports of people developing squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer associated with UVA dryers, suggests that “hands We need to think more seriously about exposing our bodies.” Dr. Shari Ripner, associate professor of dermatology and director of the Nail Division at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weil His Cornell Medical Center said: Lipner was not involved in this study.

reduce the risk

If you’re curious about gel manicures but don’t want to give up, there are some precautions you can take to reduce your risk.

“Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing zinc and titanium around your nails, and wear UV gloves with the fingertips cut off when you’re healing your nails,” Curtis said. , and recommend alternatives to gel nails.” (Gel nail wraps or strips are self-adhesive gel nail products that do not always need to be set with a UV nail dryer.)

Some salons use LED lights, which “are believed to emit no or much less UV light,” Lipner said.

Lipner gets regular manicures, which typically last seven to 10 days, not to avoid UV rays, but because she doesn’t like the acetone in gel nail polish that dilutes her nails.

“Regular nail polishes are just left to dry in the air,” she added. I can.”

If you get gel nail polish on a regular basis, Lipner recommends seeing a certified dermatologist who can examine your skin for signs of skin cancer and treat it before it becomes a serious problem. UV rays can also age skin, which can appear as black spots and wrinkles, she said.

Lipner says there isn’t enough data for experts to consider how often you can use gel nail polish without risking it. But Curtis recommends saving them for special occasions. Did.

Russak doesn’t use gel nail polish often, but when she does, she wears sunscreen and gloves. Pre-applying an antioxidant-rich serum, such as vitamin C, may also help, she added.

“As a dermatologist, I probably change gloves three or four times per patient. With a normal manicure, after three or four glove changes, the manicure is gone,” Russak added. . “Gel manicures definitely last longer, but is it worth the risk of photoaging and skin cancer? Probably not.”

Experts say people who have a history of skin cancer or who are prone to hypersensitivity due to pale skin, albinism, medications, or immunosuppression should seek prevention. We need to be more careful when taking action. However, whether you’re at high risk or not, CNN’s dermatologist cautioned.

“Unfortunately, you can’t get total protection, so we recommend avoiding these dryers altogether,” says Zeichner.




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