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Collaboration, increased availability of naloxone could help prevent opioid-related deaths

Collaboration, increased availability of naloxone could help prevent opioid-related deaths


Partnerships involving community, government and health care representatives can play an important role in addressing the problem. Opioid-related overdoseaccording to a panel of experts who discussed the US fentanyl crisis.

A panel that includes academic leaders, community leaders, first responders, government officials, and physicians needs to make naloxone, which can be used to control opioid overdoses, more readily available in the community. I concluded that there is.

“Increased efficacy, coupled with an unpredictable environment, contributes to increased morbidity, especially mortality,” said Christopher Jones, acting director of CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Management, PharmD. said in a statement.

“I think naloxone should be readily available to the community.

Panelists highlighted this crisis and discussed strategies to prevent further overdose-related deaths, which are dramatically increasing.

With the rise of highly potent and unpredictable drugs, it can be difficult for individuals to understand what they are taking, and fentanyl tablets in particular can look like any other prescription medication. A panelist noted.

They agreed that access to methadone remained a problem, and adequate infrastructure and resources for treatment were lacking.

Additionally, panelists discussed the importance of rapid vaccine development to block the effects of fentanyl.

In addition, panelists also highlighted the need for better access to injections and safe smoking supplies, as well as overdose prevention sites.

“When we enacted policies to limit opioid prescribing, we were successful in reducing prescribing, but without harm,” said David Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, in a statement. I’m here. “The fire may have been caused by prescriptions for opioids, but we weren’t able to put it out with the policies that were put in place later. I have.”

Panelists also underscored the importance of the media in educating the public about the opioid crisis and treatment options, and in addition to raising public awareness about the crisis and treatment, health care workers should also do more education. Said he needed it.

Faith-based institutions, harm reduction and health services, justice systems, and social services must work together to address overdoses in their communities. This can reduce the stigma against individuals who use substances in society and their treatment.

Panelists need creative thinking to make naloxone more readily available, which could increase community engagement in tackling this issue and help identify where to distribute naloxone. concluded.

The proposal by the panel Perpetual journal January 24, 2023.


Experts say the key to combating opioid-related overdoses in the United States is community cooperation and increased availability of naloxone. EurekAlert. News Release. January 24, 2023. Accessed January 24, 2023.




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