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A local nutritionist looks at ways to prevent a rise in type 2 diabetes among young people

A local nutritionist looks at ways to prevent a rise in type 2 diabetes among young people


Savannah, Georgia (WSAV) – according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Diabetes Association (ADA)The number of people under the age of 20 with diabetes in the United States is likely to grow even more rapidly in the coming decades.

According to recent research, mathematical models and Searching for Diabetes in Youth Studies Between 2002 and 2017, there was an increase in type 1 and type 2 diabetes among young people under the age of 20.

With this projected upward trend, 220,000 young people could have type 2 diabetes in 2060, a nearly 700% increase.

Moreover, the number of young people with type 1 diabetes could increase by as much as 65% over the next 40 years.

According to the CDC, even if the rate of new diabetes among young people remains unchanged for decades, type 2 diabetes diagnoses could increase by nearly 70% and type 1 diabetes diagnoses by 3% by 2060. I have.

WSAV News 3 Spoken JC Lewis Primary Health Care Dietitian Pamela Hofstetter About preventive measures families can take for better health now and in the future.

What are the healthy eating options for children?

The thing is, treats should be around 100 calories, not 300. So a healthy snack would probably be something like 25 peanuts, or a handful of grape-like fruit, not a whole bag of grapes. You should count 10 chips.

They should drink water, not fruit juices, sodas, or sugary drinks of any kind, or sports drinks, not Powerade or Gatorade. Even if you play sports, you need to drink water.

What other steps can be taken for families who have been unable to make the best food choices for years?

One easy way to make changes to holidays is let’s say they have Friday off. Soak a bag of dried beans, such as black beans or kidney beans.The next day, cook them according to the instructions and make a delicious black bean soup or turkey hotpot. Helps lower bad cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levelse.

When you come home from work and don’t feel like cooking, you can take out that turkey chili, reheat it, and make a variety of things. Top the lettuce with turkey peppers, shred his cheese on top of the turkey peppers he puts 1/4 cup, and substitute plain non-fat yogurt for sour cream.If you eat tortilla chips together, count and limit to 10 Drink water with your meals.

There is no special magic diet.

What would you like to say to parents who have picky eaters or children who don’t like vegetables?

Let your kids help you prepare meals and you will begin to realize how difficult it is to actually prepare meals.

Children need to be more involved in nutrition so they can start to be more discerning about what they are putting into their bodies. Please let us know how valuable you are.

Parents should set a good example. If you told your child not to eat fast food, but you’re eating it yourself, you’re just setting an example. , they should too.

Is it okay to eat fast food once in a while?

It’s okay to eat fast food once in a while, but you can also drink water, unsweetened tea, or diet lemonade instead of high fructose corn syrup soda. Maybe have a small sandwich instead of the extra large, or use regular fries instead of the extra large.

What other changes can I make?

Another problem is that children do not move. They need to get that physical activity, and the National Institutes of Health recommends one hour of moderate physical activity each day.

So, children need an hour every day. They don’t get it at school, they don’t get it at home. It’s becoming a problem.

Everyone should be moving. No one sits still watching TV or playing games. This is the biggest problem. Instead of locking their children out of their homes, people are locking them inside their homes, staring at screens and not moving.

I really recommend using physical activity, going for a walk, or doing yoga as a way to deal with emotions, stress and pain instead of going in ways that are harmful to your health. Go out and talk to people, don’t go out to eat to comfort yourself, or do things that are dangerous to your health. please

I tell my patients, you know, don’t deprive yourself. But feel empowered and in control of what you put in your body. So identify what you put in your body.

Click for more information on how to prevent type 2 diabetes in young people. here.




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