4 myths about nutrition and weight loss debunked for 2023
- Many Americans turn to social media for health information about diet and weight loss.
- It can be difficult to know how to decipher what is true and safe from what is not.
- Experts debunk four common nutrition myths circulating on social media.
If you’ve found yourself scrolling through social media looking for ways to start a new health routine, you’re not alone.according to data According to PatientsLikeMe, an online patient community, 11% of Americans surveyed say they turn to social media for health information.
However, while some of the advice you come across online may seem helpful and trustworthy, and may be from a doctor, registered dietitian, or other qualified person, often it is. not.
“[A] A lot of the time what we see is people who have done their own weight loss plans or colon irrigation or whatever it is and have cured themselves and are trying to apply it to everyone. This is where it can get really dangerous for anyone. ” Jen Scheinman, RDNNutrition Operations Manager timeline nutrition, told Healthline. “[They] Find interesting first aid remedies that people want to believe in, but they are not backed by science and can be damaging. “
Diets are often sensationalized on social media to get people excited. Doctor.Rekha B. Kumarassociate professor of medicine at Cornell University and chief medical officer at Found.
“If all the facts were unbiased and balanced, they would be published in scientific journals, not on social media,” Kumar told Healthline.
Social media can be used as a tool for educating and disseminating information, but “content about diet and nutrition is likely to have some facts, although they don’t always know all the facts.” It could be posted by an influencer,” she added.
Scheinman agreed. She said many diet myths start with a chunk of truth that makes you want to try it.
“That nugget of truth can be exaggerated or misunderstood to be wise to the public,” she said.
It can be difficult to decipher what is true or not. To help clear up any confusion, we asked health experts to debunk some of the most common nutrition myths shared on social media.
Keto and low-carb diets can induce weight loss, Kumar noted, but these eating patterns aren’t for everyone. [because] These plans don’t match your personal biology (i.e. a different diet works better). “
The types of foods adhered to on these diets, especially the fat-focused keto diet, have also raised concerns, Scheinman said.
“[What] Eating lots of cheese and butter, eating large amounts of highly processed steaks and bacon or lunch meats, and limiting vegetables, whole grains, and other important nutrients can lead to an unbalanced diet. I have come to see people who are
A study looking at the healthiest, longest-lived people found that their diets were maintained with whole grains, beans, and legumes.
“Specifically, legumes and legumes have been correlated with people living longer, so cutting out these foods [you have to wonder] What’s going on with health,” Scheinman said.
Plus, it’s hard to stick to a keto or low-carb diet long-term, and when people start incorporating carbs into their diet, they don’t do so in a healthy way, Scheinman said.
“[They’re] It does not focus on whole grains, fruits and starchy vegetables. They’re starting to go back to simple carbs like white bread, sugar and white pasta, putting all the weight back on and then some, which makes this cyclical yo-yo-like experience. increase.
Caffeine is a stimulant that makes the brain feel more sensitive, but technically it does not provide the body with nutrients or energy. This is because it does not lead to cellular production of adenosine triphosphate).
“We have areas of the brain that make us sleepy, and caffeine helps calm those neural pathways. Scheinman explains.
Consuming caffeine can also lead to addiction, she said. However, drinking caffeine later in the day can affect your sleep, and if you don’t sleep well, you wake up and turn to caffeine again.
The energy-boosting solution is already in your body, says Scheinman.
“We have these energy-generating organelles in every cell called mitochondria, and when we feed and care for them, [with] Healthy lifestyle behaviors like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and managing stress generate the energy our bodies need,” she said.
While some celebrities have been vocal about the weight loss they’ve achieved with prescription anti-obesity drugs, Kumar said these injectables have only been studied in obese or diabetic patients.
“There are known adverse effects, mostly gastrointestinal side effects, but I really don’t know the long-term effects of recreational use to just lose a few pounds in the absence of metabolic disease,” she said.
And if you don’t change your diet or lifestyle, you could gain weight quickly after stopping the injections, Scheinman said.
“There are drugs that can be used for weight loss, [these injections] It may be an indication in the future, but for now it’s only intended for obese and diabetic patients.”
Few of today’s cleanse and detox diets have been proven effective for short- or long-term metabolic health or cardiovascular risk, Kumar said.
“Detoxes may relieve bloating in the short term, but these results are short-lived and can even lead to water retention and rebound constipation.
Although there is some truth to the idea that there are more toxins in the world, people are breathing in more pollution, eating more sugar and junk food, and these need to be removed from their bodies. The body already naturally eliminates toxic substances, Scheinman said.
“[The] The truth is that our bodies have a very complex process that detoxifies us every day in our liver, kidneys, digestive system and colon.
To help the body in these processes, Scheinman said people can focus on healthy nutrition, quality sleep, and limiting exposure to environmental toxins as much as possible.
Regarding the risks associated with cleansing and detox, she said that food-based detox programs that suggest consuming fruit and vegetable smoothies or following a vegan diet for limited times are probably harmless. pointed out.
However, if supplements were included in these programs, they could be dangerous because supplements “may or may not be regulated and it’s not clear what they contain.” I have.
Psychological harm is also a concern, according to Scheinman. Cleansing and detox promotions often follow the holidays and are based on the idea that until January 1st you can eat whatever you want and then detox.
“[This] You need to foster an unhealthy relationship with food and either cleanse your body or punish your body for what you do to it with a pleasant meal,” she said.
Trends related to diet, nutrition, and body cleansing can lead to weight loss and improved mood in the short term, but long-term adherence can be difficult, Kumar said.
“Moderation and consistency are better long-term strategies. If someone chooses to embark on a trendy or fad diet, then there should be a plan to move to a more moderate approach,” she says. Told.
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