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Risk of developing heart failure found to be much higher in rural areas

Risk of developing heart failure found to be much higher in rural areas


A team of researchers found that adults living in rural areas of the United States had a higher risk of developing heart failure compared to those living in urban areas.

Overall, the risk of heart failure was found to be approximately 19% higher in rural residents.

The study found that black men faced the greatest increased risk – 34%. White women faced a 22% higher risk and black women faced an 18% higher risk.

Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. The condition affects approximately 6.2 million American adults, According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionIt can be prevented by following a heart-healthy lifestyle, but once it develops it is difficult to treat.

“It is much easier to prevent heart failure than to reduce mortality once it occurs.” Study co-author Sara Turecamo said:.

Study of Heart Failure in Rural and Urban Areas

Researchers examined 13 years of data from more than 2,700 people in 12 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia).

Data is Southern Community Cohort StudyThis is a long-term health study of adults in the southeastern United States funded by the National Cancer Institute.

“At the end of the study period, the researchers found that living in rural America was associated with an increased risk of heart failure in both women and black men, even after adjusting for other cardiovascular risk factors and socioeconomic status. We found that it does,” the news release study explained.

the study It was funded in large part by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This finding was produced in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Published in JAMA Cardiology.

Rural-urban health disparities


A power pole with many cables located along a country road against a clear blue sky.via Getty Images

“We did not expect to see differences of this magnitude in heart failure among rural communities, especially among black men living in rural areas, compared to urban communities,” said the study’s lead author. and senior researcher Véronique L. Roger, MD, MPH. With the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health of the NHLBI’s Intramural Research Division.

“This study reveals the need for tools or interventions specifically designed to prevent heart failure in rural populations, particularly black men living in these areas.

The NIH said the exact reasons behind the differences in risk are still unknown and under investigation.

“Researchers believe that many factors may be involved, including systemic racism, unequal access to health care, and a shortage of affordable, healthy food stores in grocery stores. It is said that there is

The main ways to reduce the risk of heart failure include avoiding all forms of tobacco, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.

This story was reported from Detroit.




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