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Studies have found Covid to be the leading cause of death in children and adolescents.Here’s how to stay safe

Studies have found Covid to be the leading cause of death in children and adolescents.Here’s how to stay safe


top line

according to the new studyCovid ranked among the top 10 leading causes of death for children of all ages, but there are several preventive measures (vaccines, masks, quarantines, etc.) that effectively protect against the virus.

important facts

Research published in JAMA network Covid was found Monday to be the leading killer of children and adolescents, causing more deaths than any other vaccine-preventable disease.

according to Covid was the third leading cause of death in the United States each year from 2020 to 2022, according to the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker. jam Covid-related mortality from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022 ranks among the top 10 leading causes of death for the infant to 19-year-old age group, according to the study.

Between January and January 21, 2020, there were 1,098,583 Covid-related deaths in the United States, of which more than 1,600 were children (Americans under the age of 18). according to to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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tangent study Published in lancet Covid infections with the Omicron variant (the most widespread Covid strain), while more contagious among children, were less deadly than infections caused by previous variants.

Covid vaccines and boosters approved for children

CDC include Children aged 6 months to 5 years for which Covid vaccine is recommended in June 2022. The only vaccines are Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Authorization and approval For use in children 6 months and older by the Food and Drug Administration.However, those over the age of 12 Novavax vaccination.of Johnson & Johnson The vaccine is only licensed for people over the age of 18. In December 2022, the bivalent booster (a booster shot that protects against the original he Covid variant and the now dominant omicron variant) became available to anyone over 6 months old. The bivalent booster is Proven More effective in protecting against Covid, severe symptoms and hospitalization than the original monovalent vaccine. Children aged 6 months to 4 years who have completed the Moderna vaccine series are eligible to receive a Moderna bivalent booster 2 months after their second dose, and children aged 5 years and older who have completed the Moderna series are eligible to receive Moderna. Or you can receive Bivalent Booster 2 from Pfizer-BioNTech. Several months after the second administration. A 6-month to 5-year-old who has completed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine series can only get her Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine as her third dose. Her children 6 years and older who have completed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine series can receive one of her Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent boosters two months after their second dose. Her 12-year-old to her 17-year-old child who received the Novavax vaccine can receive either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine two months after completing the second dose.

Other notes

  • isolation: Due to the highest levels of infection during this time, it is recommended that anyone who tests positive for Covid should self-isolate at home for at least 5 days.If someone needs to go out in public or be around their family, a quality mask is advised by CDC. If symptoms improve and he has not had a fever for 24 hours after 5 days without medication, the isolation should be terminated and the use of high-quality masks continued until he is on day 10. need to do it. Individuals should avoid until day 11. high risk Individuals include those over the age of 65, those with weakened immune systems, those with underlying medical conditions (such as obesity, heart disease, and cancer), and those who are pregnant. CDC Recommendation Those who have not been vaccinated should practice social distancing in public and stay at least 6 feet away from other people. According to 2022 studyself-isolation and stay-at-home orders were essential to prevent the spread of the virus in the early stages of the pandemic.
  • mask: Ah study We have found that masks are effective in slowing the spread of Covid. CDC collapses mask guidelines Based on Covid community level. People living in low-level communities (where Covid cases are minimal) are not required to wear masks in public. Wearing a good quality mask or respirator (e.g. N95) in the field is recommended. High-level communities require everyone to wear quality masks indoors in public.Regardless of community level, anyone who has symptoms, has tested positive for Covid, or has been in contact with a positive person must wear a mask indoors. need Use of masks on public transport. However, indoor public transport recommends the use of masks.


Severe COVID-19 illness in children during omicron predominance is unlikely (Killeen Daily Herald)

Covid Vaccines: Evidence Works Despite Side Effects, Common Misconceptions and Persistent Misinformation (Forbes)




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