Increased daily virus deaths in some states
Daily deaths from coronaviruses have recently risen in some of the most populous states in the United States, leaving a grievous family and potentially declining deaths nationwide for months. Is shown.
In Texas, authorities announced 119 deaths Wednesday, surpassing the state’s one-day early pandemic death rate. More than 200 deaths have been announced in Arizona this week, and the number of daily deaths from viruses in the state has never been higher. Mississippi, Florida and Tennessee also set a one-day death record this week.
Among the people who recently died of the virus was a 30-year-old man from Nashville who played an organ in a church. A 39-year-old mother from St. Augustine, Florida. Say goodbye to 6 children through the hospital speakerphone. A 91-year-old grandmother from Dallas was playing Domino’s despicable game.
The US seven-day death average reached 608 on Thursday. That worst.
Some health professionals warned that it was too early to predict ongoing trends from days of data. However, on Friday, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah L. Barks took a different look from the recent President Trump, in contrast to expecting him to see an increase in his recent deaths. ..
“In the United States, the number of cases has increased over the last three weeks,” Dr. Birx said in a virtual panel on viruses sponsored by the International AIDS Association. “We did not see an increase in mortality as a result of this, but this is expected as the disease continues to spread in some of the metropolitan areas where comorbidities exist.”
The increasing pace of deaths at Sunbelt has signaled the end of the country’s nearly three-month period of a reduction in the number of virus deaths per day, following an increase in weeks of events in the region. The outlook of a pattern national virus that was seen as one of the rare bright spots.
A steady downward trend in daily deaths began in April when the state enacted home orders and lasted until June when the state resumed its economy. This decline continued for the past month, even as the number of virus cases surged in the South and West.
Mortality is expected to be slower than the number of cases, as death occurs weeks after infection. However, public health experts said that the new surge in viral cases also involved many younger and healthier people who were less likely to lead to serious illness or death, so the divergence trend-new cases Daily deaths are still declining-said mainly. Still, many experts predicted that death rates would be unlikely to continue as young people spread it to older people and more vulnerable people.
“We’ve always said that death would come soon,” said Dr Peter Jay Hotez, Dean of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.
Dr. David LakeyA former member of the Texas Department of Health and a member of the Coronavirus Countermeasures Committee created by the Texas Medical Association, it is too early to determine if the daily death toll in Texas this week will continue. I said.
He said delays in reporting by officials over the weekend of July 4 could have contributed to the increase in death toll in Texas this week. But he also noted that hospitals in the state were filling rapidly, and the number of patients with serious illness was increasing.
But other officials in Texas predicted that the increase in deaths this week would prove to be the beginning of a much larger trend. In Dallas County, home to approximately 2.6 million residents, the number of infected and hospitalized youths has increased in recent weeks. Coronaviruses have already become the third leading cause of death in Dallas, following cancer and heart disease. About 436 people have died in the county since the beginning of the pandemic, according to data collected by The New York Times.
“We have the most Covid-19 hospitalizations so far, up 24% from 1 July,” said Judge Clay Jenkins, Chief of Dallas County, who is safe to fight outbreaks. I issued a hygiene order. “Since death is the most late indicator of the virus, it does not correlate with the current high case counts, and hospitalizations and deaths in the weeks following it are not recorded.”
Some officials have attributed the decrease in deaths in recent months to improved virus treatment. Doctors today have more tools than spring use. Rem decivil, An antiviral drug that has been shown to shorten hospital stays without reducing mortality.
In New Orleans, which was hit by a virus in the spring, public health officials said they had seen a rise in public awareness, improved medical technology, and a sharp decline in the number of daily deaths from young patients. But doctors say they are seeing signs that young people are beginning to get infected with their parents and grandparents.
“Dr. Joseph Canter, chief health officer at the Louisiana Department of Health in New Orleans, said: “These young people have a family,” he said. “They have older people living at home.”
Hospitalization in New Orleans has dropped from over 1,000 in April to 69 on June 20. But they started to recover up to 125 this week. Dr. Canter said most were older. He also said the city is worried about the corresponding increase in the number of fatalities over the coming weeks.
Although virus infections have risen significantly in Louisiana, health officials say daily mortality has not.
“We are waiting,” said Sean Ellis, a spokeswoman for the Louisiana Department of Health.
Nashville experienced a new flood of events, but daily deaths increased slightly.
Dr. Alex Jahangir, chairman of the Nashville Area Coronavirus Countermeasures Committee, said local experts have seen an increase in incidents related to bars, parties, and youth in recent weeks.
At least 138 of the more than 13,000 people known to have the virus in Davidson County, including Nashville, have died. About 100 of these victims were over 65.
If new infections continue to focus on young people, Dr. Jahangir said he did not expect the daily death toll to increase significantly. If young people spread the virus to older families, the death toll could increase significantly, he said.
However, this statistic makes little sense to people who have lost relatives to the virus, including some young people who are seen to be less vulnerable.
Darius Settles, 30, died suddenly from a virus last weekend, killing one in two people under the age of 44 in the Nashville area since the beginning of the pandemic.
“It was really, really shocking,” said his sister, Deja Settles. “I didn’t expect this to get home.”
According to a member of the family, Church organist Settles, who loved to go to his six-year-old son’s baseball game, is unaware of his health and struggles to keep a social distance. did. As the pandemic intensified, he helped livestream church services for thousands of his father, pastor.
“He wanted my ministry to move forward and reach people,” said his father, David Settles. “If you knew my son, you knew he was life.”
Mr Settles tested positive for Covid-19 last week, the family said. He visited the emergency room twice because of shortness of breath. Twice he returned home without being admitted.
A statement from the Tristar Southern Hills Medical Center that Darius Settles went to treatment confirmed that he was treated there on June 30 and July 3, before he died.
“Tristar Southern Hills is deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Settles. He shares his condolences with his family,” reads the statement provided to WSMV News 4 Nashville. “Our caregiver had a long conversation with Mr Settles about the risks and benefits of hospitalization and outpatient management, but he eventually chose to go home.”
Mr Settles said he had lost health insurance during his dismissal in the retail business during the pandemic, his father may have been reluctant to claim for medical costs.
On Saturday, Mr Settles died at home with his wife and father.
Lucy Tompkins and Noah Wayland contributed to the report.
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