Can this common compound in beet juice help you get stronger?
- Dietary nitrates are naturally occurring compounds that are converted to nitric oxide in the body.
- They are found in a variety of foods, including beet juice, spinach, and arugula.
- Previous studies have associated higher blood nitrate levels with increased physical performance.
- New research suggests that nitrate levels in muscle actually have a greater impact on strength.
- Dietary nitrates can be obtained from foods such as beets and dark leafy greens.
Gym-goers and athletes alike use a wide variety of compounds, from proteins to branched-chain amino acids, to improve physical performance.
Another factor that has long been associated with improved exercise performance is dietary nitrates, a natural chemical that is converted to nitric oxide in the body. Studies have shown that it can improve muscle and cardiovascular function.
Scientists have long believed that dietary nitrate supplementation improves physical performance by affecting blood vessels, dilating them to allow more blood and oxygen to flow through them.
However, new
Researchers wanted to learn more about how our cells use nitric oxide for exercise.
Ten participants were given either a potassium nitrate supplement or a placebo during the study. After one hour, they contracted their quadriceps (thigh muscle) 60 times using an exercise machine. .
Researchers found that taking nitrate before exercise increased quadriceps muscle strength by 7% compared to a placebo.
“Previous studies have shown that increased plasma nitrate and nitric oxide levels after nitrate intake improve exercise performance, and the same was true in this study.” Andy JonesPhD, Professor of Applied Physiology, University of Exeter, co-author of the study.
However, while previous studies have mainly associated improvements in blood nitrate levels and physical exertion, this study points to something else.
“The new finding was that it was muscle nitrate levels (rather than blood) that were most closely associated with improved muscle strength production,” Jones shared with Healthline.
To measure the nitrate content of muscle cells, the researchers took small muscle biopsies immediately after the first exercise session and at 3 hours.
Jones said these biopsies showed that “nitrate levels in muscle (and blood) peak one to three hours after ingestion and remain elevated for several more hours before levels decline.” made clear.
Strength was not retested by exercise three hours later, but “you would expect to see the same pattern,” he added.
Additionally, while the study focused on the quadriceps, Jones said he expects the benefits of nitrate supplementation to extend to other muscles.
“I chose the leg because I wanted to collect a muscle sample. It’s easier to do a biopsy from the thigh than anywhere else,” he shared.
When nitrates in food enter the body, they do not always stay in their original form.
“When you get nitrates from your diet, bacteria in your mouth convert them to nitrites.” Steve Granta London-based nutritionist who specializes in athletic performance revealed to Healthline.
“The nitrite is then converted to nitrate in the stomach,” he continued. “Remaining nitrates and nitrites are absorbed in the small intestine where they are also converted to nitric oxide.”
Nitric oxide is thought to be particularly important for exercise and physical performance.
“Nitric oxide affects blood flow and vasodilation, improving blood flow to skeletal muscles,” says Grant. “Because of this feature, it has also been associated with increased muscle endurance.”
This study confirmed that pre-exercise intake of dietary nitrates has a pronounced effect on muscle strength gains. But how does it work?
“Nitrates, via nitric oxide, help improve the efficiency of muscle contractions by reducing the amount of oxygen used during exercise,” Grant shared.
“Nitrates are also said to improve the way muscles contract by increasing intracellular calcium (the trigger for muscle contraction) through the action of nitrates,” he added.
Explains the important role of calcium in muscle performance Samantha CooganMS, RDN, CSSD, LD, FAND, Program Director/Lecturer in Nutritional Sciences, Department of Integrated Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
“More free-flowing calcium in cells
“This results in increased phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain,” continued Cooper. “Phosphorylation is a necessary process for cellular storage and energy transfer.”
“There is greater calcium-related contraction sensitivity, resulting in greater twitch force output and faster rate of force generation, resulting in maximal shortening velocity and maximal power output of the muscle,” she says.
Dietary nitrates can also aid muscle development through their effects on protein. Holly Rosersports nutritionist, personal trainer.
“Nitrogen is found in amino acids, which are thought to be the building blocks of protein,” she told Healthline. “Protein is necessary for muscle growth and repair and helps improve training performance. increase.”
However, previous research has found that this compound can also improve other areas of physical performance.
“Nitrates increase blood flow and improve oxygen and nutrient delivery,” Lother shared. “Increased oxygenation can lead to increased endurance, power output, and overall physical performance. There is potential,” she explained.
for example,
Dr. Cooper revealed that nitric oxide may also have beneficial effects on the heart. This is important for cardiovascular performance.
“Nitric oxide is also an important factor in heart health and cardiovascular response, such as blood pressure and blood flow,” she said. It allows you to unleash the full potential of your muscles.”
Ah 2015 survey They found that consuming beet juice (high in nitrates) three days before exercise allowed participants to perform high-intensity aerobic exercise more efficiently.
There are two main approaches that can help increase dietary nitrate and nitric oxide levels.
first is through dietAccording to Grant, the best food sources include:
- beats
- rhubarb
- spinach
- arugula
- turnip leaf
- Dill
- swiss chard
- celery
- Radish
- watercress
- kale
- lettuce
However, he adds, “you may need to consume moderate amounts” to be effective.
It’s also important to note that not all food-based nitrates are equal. emphasized Rosner. “These are not good for your health and have been linked to cancer and problems during pregnancy.”
Another method Cooper shares is through beet-based dietary nitrate supplements. These can be found in the form of pre-workout blends, concentrated juice shots, capsules, and gummies.
As Jones pointed out, “It’s not easy for an athlete to eat, say, a salad hours before a competition. It’s more convenient to have a concentrated beetroot juice shot.”
Remember, supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Too much dietary nitrate intake side effects.
“Before beginning any kind of supplement regimen, you should consult with your doctor and registered dietitian,” Cooper insisted.
Scientists have long believed that increasing dietary nitrate levels in the blood helps improve athletic performance.
While this is still a factor, new research shows that the direct uptake and use of dietary nitrates by muscle has the greatest impact on strength gains.
According to Jones, the new findings are important because they “represent for the first time that higher muscle nitrate levels (which can be manipulated by diet) are associated with the ability to generate more power.”
Ultimately, this knowledge can be useful for more than just gym-goers. “This is important for athletes, but it’s probably also important for the elderly and those with diseases that cause muscle weakness.
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