Health authorities report coronavirus mortality increased by 15 and 637 cases
Seattle, WA—State health officials confirmed 15 new deaths associated with COVID-19 and 637 new confirmed cases on Friday in Washington, the week with the highest daily number of cases. I have finished.
Washington rarely has counties with high cases: On Thursday, the United States marked the sixth time in ten days and set new records in daily cases. Hundreds of people die daily in some severely affected states. Texas had 119 deaths Wednesday alone, and an average of 608 daily deaths over the past seven days across the country.
In Washington, deaths were reported Friday in Benton, Chelan, Clark, Franklin, King, Snohomish, Whatcom, and Yakima counties.
The new numbers mean a total of 39,218 cases of coronavirus have been identified since the outbreak began, with 1,424 deaths.
Keep up with the latest developments:
Washington refuses to reopen college
The federal government has warned colleges and universities. International students will lose their visas if classes are conducted in remote areas during the fall semester. The Trump administration announced its plans on July 6 and announced decisions to 15 universities.
But Washington says: It’s illegal and counts as colleges and universities could be forced to rush to risky choices. Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson has announced a lawsuit against the Trump administration and ICE on Friday. This is aimed at overriding their decisions and protecting international students.
“President Trump and ICE need to allow colleges and universities to make their own decisions about student health, safety, and education, rather than arbitrarily and illegally punishing schools that want to offer lessons remotely,” Ferguson said. He said.
Ferguson’s office alleges that the move unduly endangers the health of students and teachers. It also jeopardizes state tuition income when Washington needs to strengthen its economy. Approximately 27,000 international students attend college in Washington, contributing approximately $1 billion annually.
The lawsuit will mark the Attorney General’s 65th lawsuit against the Trump administration. Of those, Washington won 29. Another 35 are still awaiting judgment and the final lawsuit has been appealed.
Prior to the Trump administration’s mandate, many Washington colleges and universities may have resumed face-to-face classes without compulsion. State already issued Many safety guidelines To help higher education classes return to this fall.
read more: Washington Sues ICE Policy for International Student Visas
Young adults make up most new cases of coronavirus
The number of cases of coronaviruses may have skyrocketed, but hospitalization rates have risen only slightly, for the following reasons: The overwhelming amount of new cases is in younger patients.
Public Health-According to Seattle and King County, the latest cases of coronavirus can be classified as:
- 1/3 are patients aged 20-29
- 1/2 are patients aged 20-39
- 3/4 of all cases are younger than 40 years
Pierce County had previously reported a similar situation, and many of their new cases were young adults.
Younger adults are more likely to be hospitalized because they are not as risky as older ones, but they have not increased as rapidly as the number of cases. Of the 100,000 residents of King County, 1.3 were hospitalized from 0.8 patients two weeks ago, according to public health over the past two weeks. Health officials have acknowledged that this is not a big jump, but also say it is a warning sign that the population needs to take the virus more seriously.
“We need to fundamentally change the way we interact with each other,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, Seattle Public Health Officer in King County.
read more: King County: COVID-19 prevalence is higher among young adults
Some Seattle beaches remain closed this summer
Seattle’s five beaches will be open by the following Wednesday, while the rest will be closed during the summer. According to a report from the Seattle Times.
The beaches were closed due to budget cuts during the coronavirus pandemic, but now they have the money to reopen more than half of Seattle’s nine lifeguard beaches.
The other four beaches, East Green Lake Beach, Madrona Park Beach, Magnuson Park Beach and Seward Park Beach, are not available to swimmers. As a warning, the city has placed a sign informing potential visitors that the beach is closed and should not swim unsupervised in the area.
Here is the full report from the Seattle Times.
Coronavirus cases by county:
county | Infected people (number | Hospitalization | Dead (number |
Adams | 222 (+4) | 9 | 0 |
Asochin | twenty one | 1 | 2 |
Benton | 2,238 (+55) | 250 | 92 (+2) |
Chelan | 514 (+23) | 2 | 7 (+1) |
Clarham | 50 (+3) | Three | 0 |
Clerk | 1,033 (+29) | 121 | 32 (+1) |
Columbia | 8 | 2 | 0 |
Caulitz | 241 (+7) | twenty three | 0 |
Douglas | 348 | 17 | Three |
ferry | 2 (+1) | 0 | 0 |
Franklin | 2,281 (+69) | 181 (+1) | 36 (+1) |
Garfield | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Grant | 760 (+22) | 53 | 8 |
Grays Harbor | 38 (+5) | 9 | 0 |
island | 203 (+1) | 33 | 12 |
Jefferson | 41 | 8 | 0 |
King | 11,568 (+149) | 1,839 (-3) | 633 (+1) |
Kitsap | 277 (+8) | 35 (+1) | 2 |
Kititas | 165 | 6 (+1) | 0 |
Cricket | 76 | 8 | Three |
Lewis | 89 (+4) | 16 | Three |
Lincoln | Four | 0 | 0 |
Mason | 55 | Five | 1 |
Okanogan | 179 (+18) | 7 | 2 |
Pacific | 18 | Three | 1 |
Hanging ear | 8 (+1) | 1 | 0 |
Earrings | 3,059 (+64) | 444 | 111 |
San Juan | 20 | 1 | 0 |
Skagit | 573 (+2) | 61 | 16 |
Skamania | 22 (+3) | 2 | 0 |
Snohomish | 3,859 (+40) | 627 | 179 (+1) |
Spokane | 1,903 (+51) | 162 | 43 |
Stevens | 23 (+2) | Five | 1 |
Thurston | 322 (+12) | 42 | 8 |
Houki Akumu | Five | 0 | 0 |
Walla Walla | 204 (+5) | 15 | Three |
Whatcom | 692 (+3) | 62 | 41 (+1) |
Whitman | 44 | 1 | 0 |
Yakima | 7,934 (+66) | 577 | 185 (+7) |
Unallocated | 119 (-26) | 3 (-2) | 0 |
total | 39,218 (+637) | 4,662 (-2) | 1,424 (+15) |
The above figures are provided by the Department of Health, and some figures may differ from the totals provided individually by county health agencies.
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