How important is your gut health?
Type “gut health” into your search browser and you’ll see millions of popular web entries instructing you to manage your gut and eat certain foods to improve your gut health.
First came probiotics. Then whole grains. Then grocery stores began devoting entire display cases to kombucha.And now we’re rediscovering the flavors of other fermented foods.
So what is gut health and how can you support it?
“Gut health is one of the most widely used terms. Rebecca CarrierProfessor of Chemical Engineering and Principal Investigator of the Advanced Drug Delivery Research Lab at Northeastern University, studying the microbiome to develop gut models to facilitate further research.
For some, it can mean a healthy stomach. In medical literature, it may refer to health conditions of the lower gastrointestinal tract, including the small and large intestine.In a more holistic sense, gut health defined as Effective digestion and absorption of food, absence of gastrointestinal disease, healthy immune status, and overall health.
According to Carrier, some key factors that determine gut health are the microbiome, the microbes that live in your gut. Intestinal barrier permeability, which determines the ability of the intestine to contain undesirable contents. State of immune cells in the gut.
According to Carrier, every person has more than 1,000 different bacterial species and different strains in their gut. Some of them are core bacteria that are common to certain populations, while others are different from person to person.
Microbiome is very important for our health. Bacteria eat the food we ingest and break it down into chemicals that are beneficial to our bodies.
“There is increasing evidence that changes in bacterial counts lead to disease, at least in certain diseases,” says Carrier.
The “good” bacteria in your gut prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria by competing for nutrients and “territory,” or space in your intestinal mucosa.
Changes in intestinal barrier properties and permeability also many diseasessays the carrier.
“Your barrier properties and your gut hold onto all these bacteria and all the other irritants from food that aren’t meant to pass freely without being digested first,” she says. “If you change that barrier, you get an immune response. Once you get an immune response, it can lead to all sorts of other problems.”
About 70% of our body’s immune cells are located in the gut, beneath the epithelial barrier that lines the gut. When these immune cells are activated, they not only cause intestinal inflammation, but they send signals to everything else in the body.
When it comes to dealing with gut health, doctors typically focus on treating existing bowel problems, such as inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.
However, there is a lot of different and often confusing advice in the general literature and on the internet regarding supporting gut health and preventing disease.
“The science behind all these claims is still evolving,” says Carrier.
The scientific approach is to advise someone to do something therapeutic only after there’s a lot of evidence and controlled clinical studies done in people, she says. That way, scientists and doctors can say that ingesting something will produce a certain result.
Carriers acknowledge that there are many traditional approaches to improving gut health. I support the idea that
Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial to our bodies, and consuming them seeks to replace some of the bacterial populations normally associated with disease. There are probiotics that contain seeds and probiotics that use a number of different bacteria.
“What part of these bacteria are actually integrated into the gut microbiome? Do they occur in the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract? How long does it last?” Carrier says. “We haven’t grasped it very well.”
Scientists know that certain foods alter intestinal permeability. short chain fatty acid It is a major nutrient source for cells in the colon, has anti-inflammatory properties, and may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other conditions.
“That’s what we call prebioticssays Carrier. “Something that nourishes the good bacteria so they can produce what they’re supposed to produce.
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and kimchi contain both the bacteria themselves and the substances they produce during the fermentation process.
The good news is that adverse events from eating probiotics, fiber, or fermented foods are less well reported. Eating fermented foods makes sense, she says.
“Some people report certain probiotics, such as discomfort and bloating,” she says.
It’s worth monitoring whether eating “gut-friendly” foods has a positive or negative effect on you, she says. Be aware of products that can affect and damage your health, and avoid foods that you are personally sensitive to, such as dairy and gluten.
Carriers also recommend doing research and looking at scientific studies that popular media sources refer to in their articles.
Is it a good number of scientific studies? Is it his one-off research in one lab? Was it published in a reputable magazine? These are the types of questions she asks herself.
Scientists still don’t fully understand how to rationally use certain approaches with the confidence that certain people will get certain results, but one thing, Carrier says, is is clear. Effects on our bodies and we can choose to be thoughtful about it.
Alena Kuzub is a reporter for Northeastern Global News.send her an email [email protected]Follow her on Twitter @AlenaKuzub.
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