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Poor oral health can affect the brain later: early study

Poor oral health can affect the brain later: early study


Early research shows that keeping your gums and teeth healthy can be positive for your brain health.

A preliminary study, due to be presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference next week, suggests that adults who are genetically predisposed to poor oral health may be at higher risk of exhibiting signs of worsening brain health. It suggests that there is

Because the results are preliminary, researchers say more evidence is needed, such as through clinical trials and a more diverse pool of subjects.

“What’s not clear is whether poor oral health affects brain health, that is, whether it affects the functional state of a person’s brain. Using neuroimaging tools such as, we can now understand it better,” said study author Cyprien, PhD. Rivier, a postdoctoral fellow in neurology at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, said: said in a news release from the American Stroke Association.

“Researching oral health is particularly important because poor oral health is a frequent and easily modifiable risk factor. can be effectively improved.”

The American Stroke Association pointed to previous research that showed that gum disease, tooth loss, poor brushing and poor plaque removal can increase the risk of stroke.

Gum disease and other oral health problems are also linked to conditions such as high blood pressure, the association says.

In the latest study, researchers looked at 40,000 adults enrolled in biomedical databases from 2014 to 2021. UK Biobank.

46% of the adults were male, with a mean age of 57 years. There was no history of stroke.

Researchers screened participants for 105 genetic variants that make them more likely to have cavities, tooth loss, or need dentures later in life.

They also used MRI to screen individuals for signs of respiratory health.

Researchers found that people who were genetically predisposed to poor oral health had a 24% increase in white matter hyperintensity or accumulated damage to the white matter of the brain, which reduced memory, balance, and mobility. found that it can affect

People with poor oral health also showed a 43% change in microstructural damage, or the amount of “microstructure” in the brain, compared to healthy adults of similar age, the researchers said. said.

Joseph P. Broderick, Ph.D., professor of neurology and rehabilitation medicine at the University of Cincinnati, was not involved in the study, but said in the same news release from the American Stroke Association that the study showed improvements in dental health. No, but said: Considering brain health, this finding is “interesting” and requires further research.

“Environmental factors such as smoking and health conditions such as diabetes are stronger risk factors for poor oral health than any genetic marker. Except for rare genetic conditions that do,” Broderick said.

“Paying attention to oral hygiene and health is still good advice. However, people with poor brain health pay less attention to oral health than people with normal brain health. It is impossible to prove cause and effect because of the high probability.

“Also, genetic profiles that increase oral health risk may overlap with genetic risk factors for other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and infections that are known to be associated with brain imaging markers.” I have.”

The researchers highlighted certain limitations of the study, such as the biobank only including people living in the UK.

With 94% of Biobank participants Caucasian, researchers say there is a need for studies involving people of different races and ethnic backgrounds.




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