Scientists have observed that a balanced, protein-rich diet is beneficial for cognition
Furthermore, applying the established dietary pattern to a further cohort of Japanese elderly, we observed that cognitive function was significantly impaired in the HC pattern, both in healthy subjects and in those with cognitive decline.
“These findings suggest that a balanced dietary pattern rich in protein, including legumes, meat, seafood, eggs, and vegetables, is beneficial for good cognitive function in older Japanese. increase.” researchers emphasize.
“We created a model to classify eating patterns according to intake of seven food groups and observed differences in cognitive function between eating patterns. na
Global guidelinesna
Dementia is a very common disease of our time, reflecting an aging population. is recognized as 7th leading cause of deathIt highlights the significant socioeconomic burden that the disease will pose worldwide in 2022.
With no treatment to halt or reverse its progression, there has been great interest in the role of nutrition in prevention, as its important role in cognitive function has been established. This is highlighted as an important stage to target, as the disease usually develops after the onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Nutrients such as unsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, caffeine, and some probiotics beneficial effectsCognitively, the importance of nutritional synergy is recently highlightedTherefore, the focus has shifted to promoting rich nutritional diversity.
Dietary patterns such as the Mediterranean DASH intervention in the delayed neurodegeneration (MIND) diet have been proposed as important factors. possibility of interventionDelays cognitive decline. However, since the MIND Diet was developed with reference to Western dietary habits, changes in dietary habits due to cultural differences, such as in Eastern countries such as Japan, are a barrier to achieving established guidelines. Therefore, there is a need to establish these variations and tailor dietary pattern interventions that are appropriate and effective for different populations.
Therefore, researchers sought to identify dietary patterns in older Japanese and observe their relationship with cognitive function. Behavior was then further modeled in a Japanese cohort to investigate whether dietary differences can predict cognitive decline.
Research detailsna
Researchers recruited 150 adults aged 65 years and older from Kashiwa, Japan, to model the dietary patterns of Japan’s elderly population. Dietary patterns were established following cluster analysis of dietary patterns and collated using a self-administered dietary history questionnaire. Cognitive function was then measured using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
Dietary patterns identified included a high-carbohydrate (HC) diet with high grain intake and a protein-balanced (PB) diet with high intakes of legumes, vegetables, eggs, meat, and seafood.
The researchers observed that cognitive scores were significantly higher in the PB group than in the HC group. Furthermore, we applied this classification model to a new cohort of Japanese older adults and found that the PB group had significantly higher cognitive scores.
important discoveryna
Researchers emphasize:This study has contributed significantly to the goal of establishing a diet that reduces cognitive decline that is suitable for older Japanese by clarifying dietary patterns related to cognitive function in older Japanese. “na
The study further underscores the power of nutrition as a tool for Alzheimer’s disease prevention, particularly the importance of protein intake. It is emphasized that the studyThis suggests that soy isoflavones may have neuroprotective effects.In addition, the high content of carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin E in green leafy vegetables and the rich PUFA content in fish IndicatedReduces cognitive decline.
Regarding the HC findings, the researchers explained: “Carbohydrates have a greater impact on insulin secretion than protein or fat, and a low-carbohydrate diet is effective in weight loss, reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors, and improving type 2 diabetes. Hyperinsulinemia and diabetes It is a significant risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.”na
The report concludes: “We are currently planning an intervention study to shift older adults with HC patterns to PB patterns, proving the causal relationship between dietary patterns and cognitive function found in this study. Establishing a standard diet for dementia requires validation by larger sample sizes and additional studies on the role of individual nutrients.” na
Source: Nutrients
“A protein-balanced diet benefits cognitive function in older Japanese.”na
by Keisuke Sakurai, Erika Okada, Saya Anzai, Risako Tamura, Izumi Shiraishi, Noriko Inamura, Satoru Kobayashi, Mikako Sato, Takashi Matsumoto, Kazuyuki Kudo, Yukihiro Sugawara and Tatsuhiro Hisatsunena
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