Researchers at Rockefeller University and HHMI identify biomarkers that make people ‘mosquito coils’
These new insights could lead to new lines of clinical testing, especially if the results can lead patients to microbiome-based repellents that are effective for months once applied.
Researchers are beginning to identify which compounds make individuals more attractive to mosquitoes. The question is whether this will be a revenue-generating test for labs, as there are enough consumers willing to do lab tests to determine if it is highly mosquito-attracting.
Some people look like mosquito magnets, and there may be a scientific reason for that. Scientific American (SA) Some people are more attracted to pesky little vampires than others. Institute of Neurogenetics and Behavior, Rockefeller University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in New York wanted to know why.
An SA article reported on their research published in the journal cell Entitled,Differences in mosquito attraction to humans are associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levelsAccording to SA, the researchers found that each individual human has a “unique scent profile made up of different chemical compounds,” and that “mosquitoes are unique to people whose skin produces high levels of odor.” found to be most attracted to carboxylic acidThe researchers also found that “irrespective of changes in diet or grooming, the attraction to mosquitoes remains constant over time.”
At the very least, it will increase consumer interest in understanding why some people get bitten by mosquitoes more than others. Of particular interest to microbiologists are the statements of molecular biologists. Dr. Omar Akbari,of University of California, San Diegowho said Scientific American By “taking skin bacteria that colonize humans and manipulating them so that they either express repellent compounds or degrade attractive ones,” a mosquito repellent that lasts for months once applied will be developed. There is a possibility.
“This study clearly shows that these acids are important,” says the neurogeneticist. Dr. Matthew DeGenaro (above), he told CNN. “…it is interesting how mosquitoes perceive these carboxylic acids, because these particular chemicals…are less odorous at a distance. These chemicals are modified by… may be skin microbiome …if we know why mosquitoes find hosts, we could design new repellents that block mosquitoes from sensing those chemicals, which could be used to improve current repellents. ” Creating biomarkers for developing such improved repellents will require clinical testing. (Photo credit: Tropical Genetics Laboratory)
Laboratory tests required to determine carboxylic acid levels
To complete the study, the researchers had 64 participants wear nylon stockings on their arms for six hours, imparting a unique scent to the fabric. But mosquitoes did.
Next, put the two pieces of nylon into a closed container, Aedes mosquitoResearchers have found that certain samples are more popular with mosquitoes than others. Upon further analysis, the researchers found that the most popular samples were from subjects with high levels of carboxylic acid, while the least popular samples had the lowest levels. We tested it several times over a three-year period, and the results remained largely the same.
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds present in the human body. sebum, the oil layer that protects our skin. The level at which humans release carboxylic acids varies from person to person. Also, there is no identifiable way to tell if a human nose has levels of carboxylic acid on the skin that mosquitoes find desirable. there is.
Developing a test to determine someone’s susceptibility to mosquitoes may be a long way off, but there could be significant consumer interest in developing such a test.
“The question of why some people are more attracted to mosquitoes than others is a question everyone asks.” Dr. Leslie B. VosshallThe Howard Hughes Medical Institute, chief scientific officer at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, led a research team to explain why some people are more attracted to mosquitoes than others. Scientific American“My mother, my sister, people in the city, my colleagues, everyone wants to know.” She credits their interest as inspiration for undertaking research.
“Understanding what makes someone a ‘mosquito magnet’ will suggest ways to rationally design interventions such as skin. microflora Manipulation to keep people from being bitten by mosquitoes. We propose that the ability to predict which individuals in a community are high attractors will allow us to more effectively deploy resources to combat the spread of mosquito-borne pathogens,” said the researchers. I am writing in my thesis. cell paper.
prevent the spread of deadly diseases
Mosquitoes are a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous carriers of disease.
“Every time these mosquito bites put people at risk to public health. Dengue fever, yellow feverand Zika feversaid Vosshall CNN“People who are like magnets are much more likely to catch the virus.”
Further study of these early findings may help prevent the spread of these diseases and help develop diagnostic tests to identify individuals who are more attractive to mosquitoes.
Being able to identify which individuals are mosquito coils could help protect them from dangerous diseases. Also, as better repellents are developed, outdoor summer events may become more tolerable for pests that are (unfortunately) popular among pests. A medical test to determine whether an individual is susceptible to mosquito bites could offer clinical laboratories a new way of adding value to consumers and patients.
—Ashley Croce
Related information:
Some people are really mosquito coils and they are stuck like that
Differences in mosquito attraction to humans are associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levels
Here’s why mosquitoes are more attracted to some people than others
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