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If the coronavirus is really in the air, we might be fighting it the wrong way


Evidence that this type of infection occurs with SARS-CoV-2 Probably already exists. A few Big research Refers to aerial transmission of viruses As the main route For the spread of covid-19. Other studies have suggested that the virus can remain Several hours in aerosolized droplets.. One new study, led by Roy of Tulane and his team, showed that infectious aerosolized particles of SARS-CoV-2 You can actually stay in the air for up to 16 hours, And maintain infectivity much longer than MERS and SARS-CoV-1 (another large coronavirus emerging in this century).

It is not yet known what gives SARS-CoV-2 this aerial edge. “But this may be one of the reasons this is a pandemic and not a minor outbreak like other coronaviruses,” Roy says.

How to stay safe

Whether the virus is in the air is not just a scientific matter. If so, where the virus is not properly contained (eg, the United States), the economy will need to restart more slowly by introducing strict and improved regulations that strengthen current health care practices. There is. Our current tactics to stop the spread are not enough.

Roy wants to see a positive obligation regarding the use of strict masks for those who leave home. “This virus is run crazy,” he says. “Masking can do an incredible amount of damaging a transmission. I think anything that can promote the use of masking to stop the production of aerosols in the environment. ”

Broseau, however, says masks can limit the spread of large particles, but they are less useful for smaller particles, especially if they fit only loosely. “I want to stop relying on the idea that face covering solves everything and helps flatten the curve,” she says. “It’s a magical idea. It’s unlikely to happen.” For a mask to really make a difference, it must always be worn, including around the family.

Brosseau believes that evidence goes towards the conclusion that airborne transmission is the “major and perhaps most important mode of transmission for SARS-CoV-2.” “The time and effort spent sanitizing every surface over and over again was a huge waste of time. You don’t have to worry too much about cleaning every surface you touch.” You need to focus on other factors, such as where you spend your time.

Crowded space

One of the biggest questions we still have about covid-19 is how much virus we need to get the infection. The answer changes when you think you need to worry about aerosols. Smaller particles do not carry as much viral load as larger ones, but they are not a problem because they can remain in the air much longer. They accumulate in greater concentrations and are more widely distributed in infected individuals. We are trying to destroy the aerosolized virus.

The more people enter and leave the room, the more likely it is that someone will be infected. The longer these infected individuals spend in the space, the higher the virus concentration in the air over time. This is especially bad news for restaurants, bars, offices, classrooms, churches, and other places where people gather for hours.

Over-the-air transmission does not necessarily mean that these locations need to be closed (ideally). However, wiping the surface with disinfectant and having everyone wear a mask is not enough. For a safe resumption, these spots not only reduce the number of people who can enter a particular moment. We also need to reduce the time people spend there. Increasing social distances beyond 6 feet also helps keep people safe.

Ventilation should also be a higher priority. This is a major problem in older buildings, where ventilation systems are usually deteriorating, and in areas where many of them are present, it may be necessary to remain closed longer. Impact of Asymptomatic spread (Infection by people who feel unwell) Super spreader It just makes the problem worse. But the study A U.S. Department of Homeland Security study shows that in the presence of UV light, aerosolized particles of the size studied by Tulane researchers disappear within a minute. Many companies Has begun deploying UV-armed robots to disinfect hospital rooms, shopping malls, stores, public transportation, and more.

In many places, significant delays in economic resumption can ultimately come at the cost of putting the virus under control. Otherwise, something like what happened at one of Michigan’s open bars Led to the emergence of over 170 new cases It can be taken for granted.

For Brosseau, the best strategy is to act the same as in the early days of lockdown. Avoid contact with people who are at home and do not live together. And if you need to leave the house, “simply spend as little time as possible in a closed area, well ventilated, and with as few people as possible,” she says.

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