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Studies have identified people at high risk of death from COVID-19. Explain factors such as age, gender, and race


Studies have identified people at high risk of death from COVID-19.  Explain factors such as age, gender, and race

Studies have identified people at high risk of death from COVID-19. Describe factors such as age, gender, and race. Photo credit: iStock Images

Main highlights

  • New information on new coronaviruses is important in identifying death, prevention and treatment risks
  • Research conducted by Oxford University researchers found people at risk of death from COVID-19
  • This study is the largest study conducted in the country, taking into account the health data of over 17 million people

New Delhi: As the coronavirus spreads around the world, it is important to address the risk of death and complications from COVID-19. Understanding not only respiratory illness, but the virus and the complications it causes is very important for preventing and treating the condition.

Scientists have identified factors that could affect mortality in COVID-19 patients, according to a new, extensive study. With more than 50,000 deaths worldwide, death rates are still high around the world, which makes us worried given the lack of a specific cure, cure, or vaccine for the virus. The virus can infect anyone, regardless of age, social status or access to health care. Researchers have identified groups and factors that may increase the risk of death from COVID-19.

The study, published in Nature, takes into account factors such as pre-existing medical conditions, age, gender, and race that make COVID-19 more dangerous for people. This study from Oxford is the largest such study in the world, taking into account the health data of over 17 million people in the UK. Of these people, approximately 11,000 died due to COVID-19 or complications from the disease.

“Most of the research to date has focused on patients in hospitals,” Dr Ben Gordakar of Oxford told MSN. “It’s convenient and important, but we wanted to have a clear understanding of the risks of humans in our daily lives. Our first pool is literally everyone.”

The researchers found that patients over the age of 80 were at least 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those over the age of 50. They were 100 times more likely to die in their 40s. The difference was described as “surprise” by Goldacre.

Taking into account sexual factors, we found that women of the same age were more likely to die than men. Other conditions that may increase someone’s risk of death include socioeconomic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, weakened immunity, and poverty.

Looking at the role of race in determining mortality from COVID-19, the study focused on race and ethnicity and COVID-19-related mortality. About 11% of patients were identified as non-white, and researchers found that blacks and South Asians were at a higher risk of dying than white patients. The trends were the same, adjusted for age, gender, and medical condition. The researchers also adjusted data for variables such as chronic heart disease to focus specifically on racial and ethnic effects.

Despite some criticism of the study’s methodology, the study reaffirms concerns about the risk and disease complications of COVID-19 recorded from the first days of the pandemic.

Avonne Conner, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, said the study was “amazing” and “who is at risk,” despite the conclusions being consistent with what has been observed so far. “Adding another layer to describe what is going on.”

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