Vitamin D helps prevent type 2 diabetes in prediabetics
- 96 million Americans have pre-diabetes.
- Studies show that taking vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing diabetes in people with prediabetes.
- Experts say vitamin D alone is unlikely to prevent diabetes.
While many people have never heard of prediabetes Before, what a big impact the state has 96 million American. Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But it is still serious and type 2 diabetes.
New research is now Annals of internal medicine suggest to take Vitamin D supplement It helps prevent people with prediabetes from developing type 2 diabetes. For this study, researchers analyzed three clinical trials that studied the effects of vitamin D supplementation on type 2 diabetes risk. We found that 22.7% of participants developed type 2 diabetes and 25% of participants who took placebo eventually progressed to diabetes. type of diabetes.
It doesn’t sound like a big difference, but the researchers applied these figures to the 374 million adults worldwide with prediabetes, and taking the supplements reduced diabetes in more than 10 million people. They decided that it might delay the onset. Their conclusion was simple.
This isn’t the first time vitamin D has been linked to a lower risk of developing diabetes. But why is a supplement lowering your risk and who should try it?
First, a quick primer on vitamin D
Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. National Institutes of Health (NIH (National Institutes of Health). Helps promote absorption of calcium in the intestine. Without vitamin D, bones become thin and brittle. According to the NIH, vitamin D reduces inflammation and It also helps regulate cell proliferation, immune function, and sugar metabolism.
Vitamin D is naturally present in some foods, such as fatty fish meat, mushrooms, and fortified milk and cereals, but it’s also produced by the body when the skin is exposed to UV light, the NIH explains. I’m here.
Why does vitamin D reduce the risk of developing prediabetes?
This is nothing new. “It’s fairly well established that there appears to be a relationship between vitamin D status and diabetes risk,” he said. game changer little bookIt’s not entirely clear exactly why this link exists, Cording says, but there are some theories.
One is that vitamin D influences blood sugar control, trying to keep blood sugar levels below a certain number.prohormone“Hormones are involved in endocrine function and diabetes, and having healthy levels of the prohormone vitamin D helps regulate other hormones in the body,” she points out. and promotes the efficient functioning of normal bodily processes,” says Cording.
research It also associates vitamin D with reduced risk. insulin resistanceThis is when the body cannot respond to or use insulin. For those of you who don’t know, insulin is a hormone that helps carry glucose (sugar) to cells where it is used for energy. Insulin resistance can lead to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Cleveland Clinic. one study Finding that people who took vitamin D had a reduced risk of developing insulin resistance, researchers theorize that vitamin D’s ability to reduce inflammation in the body may help the supplement reduce risk. (Inflammation increases the risk of insulin resistance.)
Sylvia Christakos, Ph.D., a vitamin D expert and professor at the Rutgers New Jersey School of Medicine, said the ways in which vitamin D supplementation could help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes are “not well defined.” Agreeing, she points out:Low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (a metabolite of vitamin D measured to determine vitamin D deficiency or make insulin) and insulin resistance.
Unfortunately, many people have suboptimal levels of vitamin D. research 93% of Americans are not getting 400 IU of vitamin D per day. recommendation 600 IU daily for most healthy adults. However, it is difficult to know for sure if your vitamin D levels are low. Rose Lynn, M.D., an endocrinologist at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. “Usually a clinical examination is required.”
It’s important to note that in the latest study, people were getting high levels of vitamin D. This is his 4,000 IU a day which is significantly higher than the recommended 600 IU. However, Dr. Christakos says this is “safe” and the “upper limit” of what a person can safely consume.
What to watch out for: Dr. Lin warns that overdosing on vitamin D can lead to vitamin D toxicity. “High calcium levels can lead to problems like kidney stones and constipation,” she says.
How to Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes If You Have Pre-Diabetes
Experts stress that taking vitamin D alone (where doctors actually recommend taking vitamin D) is unlikely to prevent prediabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes. I’m here. “This is a good step, but there is no data to show that vitamin D alone can prevent diabetes,” Cording says.
Dr. Christakos agrees. “Vitamin D can supplement, but it cannot replace the greater benefits of exercise and dietary changes,” she says. is important to change.according to CDCthey can include:
- Talk to your doctor about small weight loss. The CDC specifically recommends “moderate” weight loss. This means you lose 5% to 7% of your body weight. However, it is important to discuss this with your doctor.
- regular exerciseTry to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, such as brisk walking.
- manage stressstress is increase your risk About insulin resistance, Cording points out.
Cording also recommends aiming for a “balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates” in your diet, limiting added sugars, eating lots of fiber, and getting at least seven hours of sleep at night.
“If you’re really overwhelmed or confused about your diabetes risk, see an endocrinologist. [and] Consider working with a registered dietitian,” Cording says. “They should help you make a realistic plan.”
Korin Miller is a freelance writer who specializes in general health, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, and has appeared in men’s health, women’s health, self, glamour, and more. . She has a master’s degree from American University, she lives by the sea, and one day she hopes to own a teacup, a pig and an octopus her truck.
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