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New Zealand’s first confirmed imported measles case since 2019 visits Tauranga

New Zealand’s first confirmed imported measles case since 2019 visits Tauranga


Mauao base track and Moturiki (leisure island) are closed due to high swell.

New Zealand’s first measles cases have visited Tauranga and Mount Maunganui since the 2019 outbreak.

This person is an adult living in Auckland who became infected overseas but did not become infected until he arrived in New Zealand.

The patient is being isolated at home and contact tracing is underway.

Several public events have already taken place between February 5th and February 11th, including Blue Heaven Hotel in Tauranga, Lolo Authentic Turkish Kitchen in Mount Maunganui and General Cafe in Mount Maunganui.


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National Public Health Director Dr. Nick Champerlein said measles was “a very serious disease.”

“It’s much more contagious than Covid-19, especially among unimmunized people.

“Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, pain and pink watery eyes.

“These are followed by a spotty rash. Measles is contagious four days before and four days after the rash appears.”


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It usually takes 7 to 14 days for symptoms to appear after being exposed to someone with measles.

Anyone with symptoms should visit their GP or after-hours clinic, but call first to limit the risk of spreading the virus to others.

Te Whatu Ora is tracing all contacts of the case to confirm immunity and provide vaccinations as needed.

People are considered immune if they have had two doses of the measles, mumps, or rubella (MMR) vaccine, have previously had measles, or were born before 1969.

“More measles cases in New Zealand are inevitable and we have been preparing for this for some time,” Chamberlain said.

“We all know from previous outbreaks in Auckland and Northland how contagious measles is.

“The most important thing people can do to protect themselves is to make sure they and their tamariki are immunized. Vaccinations are safe and effective.”

Te Whatu Ora - National Director of Health New Zealand's National Public Health Service Dr. Nick Chamberlain.Photography/Michael Cunningham
Te Whatu Ora – National Director of Health New Zealand’s National Public Health Service Dr. Nick Chamberlain.Photography/Michael Cunningham

Infectious people should be quarantined from the point of possible infection until 4 days after the rash first appears.

Anyone who has been present at an exposure event has been told to pay attention to symptoms and see if they are immune.

I need to call Healthline. 0800 611 116 If they are not immune and may have been exposed.


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Public event

  • Countdown, Quay Street: February 6, 6:30-7:00 PM
  • Pharmacy at Quay Park, Auckland CBD: February 9 from 2pm to 3:30pm
  • Blue Heaven Hotel, Tauranga: February 5-6, 1 AM check-out on February 6
  • Lolo Authentic Turkish Kitchen, Mount Maunganui, 6th February 1pm-2pm
  • Charter Bus to That Weekend Festival: February 5th, 2:30pm
  • Festival That Weekend: February 5th from 3:30pm to 11:30pm
  • Charter Bus from That Weekend Festival to Tauranga: February 5th 11pm – February 6th 12:30am
  • General Cafe, Mount Maunganui: February 6 from 11am to 12:30pm.

Although the individual has been to other locations, either Public Health was able to identify potential contacts and inform them directly, or the risk was assessed as very low.

Therefore, these locations are not published in the media to protect individual privacy. Additional public events may continue to be identified and will be published as appropriate.




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