Dietitian Tips for Managing a Cancer-Fighting Diet
From age to gender to genetics, some cancer risk factors are out of our control, but diet is one of the aspects of our lives that we can control to reduce cancer risk. It’s one. Adhering to a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing cancer. Loma Linda University Cancer CenterFor Cancer Prevention Awareness Month in January, Woodward offers the best nutrition tips for those looking to lower their risk of developing cancer.
Adopting a flexible Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest ways to eat, according to Woodward, reducing cancer risk and supporting heart health. The Mediterranean diet isn’t the latest “diet” trend for weight loss, he says, but a model of healthy eating that’s been around for thousands of years. We focus on nutritious foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals and other natural compounds. Additionally, Mediterranean diet foods tend to be high in fiber and contain healthy fats while limiting sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat.
Healthy fats such as olives and olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds play an important role in the Mediterranean diet, while unhealthy fats from processed foods such as red meat, dairy and baked goods are The main sources of protein in this diet include seafood, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, and seeds.
read more: A seasonal guide to cancer-fighting foods
The Mediterranean diet is prevalent in some Blue Zones where people live longer than average. You can use it as a template to modify your basic Mediterranean diet, says Woodward, while adjusting it to meet your individual needs today. , and can accommodate vegetarian and vegan dietary choices.
It helps to visualize the breakdown of meals in a Mediterranean diet style. Woodward recommends starting with a 9-inch plate for portion control. Fill with minimally processed starches or carbohydrates such as pasta, whole grain bread. Furthermore, Woodward says that a defining feature of the Mediterranean diet is cooking with olive oil.
Extra virgin olive oil is made from the first pressing of olives. According to Woodward, polyphenols are compounds that exert anticancer effects through altering signaling pathways, inhibiting cell cycle events, and destroying or eliminating cancer cells through other mechanisms. Another compound found in the oil, oleuropein, may promote antioxidant activity and stimulate the immune system, which is essential in cancer prevention. The National Cancer Institute has identified inflammation as one of the key “enablement properties” of cells that acquire cancer hallmarks.
Olive oil has all of these benefits, but even taking that extra spoonful separately just adds unnecessary calories, says Woodward. A better use of olive oil is to use it as a seasoning for cooking. Instead of using other oils, such as vegetable oils, which are popular in the United States, Woodward urges people to opt for olive oil. He adds that olive oil has a low smoke point, meaning it loses its useful properties when heated above 350 degrees Fahrenheit. We recommend using avocado oil.
Vegetables make up the largest proportion of the food groups that make up the Mediterranean diet.According to Woodward, vegetables are rich in phytochemical — A powerful compound that helps fight cancer and reduce the risk of developing it. For example, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale contain phytochemicals known as glucosinolates. When ingested, it breaks down into biologically active compounds with anticancer effects, such as sulforaphane, which inactivates carcinogens.
Woodward recommends curating your plate with a colorful mix of vegetables, from dark leafy greens like kale to reds like tomatoes to oranges in carrots. Eating whole grapes can also provide more phytochemicals, he says. It also functions as an inflammatory substance.
read more: 7 foods that fight cancer, heart disease and improve your health
“For many Americans, an expected misconception about the Mediterranean diet is that it is high and predominant in carbohydrates such as bread and pasta,” says Woodward. The main foods are actually olive oil and plant-based foods.
He adds that many people combine a Mediterranean diet with regular exercise to lose weight. Very important in reducing risk.
“It’s not how much you lose, it’s how much you keep going,” says Woodward. “No other diet is sustainable in that sense, but the Mediterranean diet is sustainable. The Mediterranean diet blends all of these cancer-fighting aspects.”
For more information on cancer-specific nutrition services and resources, please visit: or call 1-800-782-2623.
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