2020 study has nothing to do with rising egg prices, farm fires
Claim: Egg yolk antibody study linked to rising egg prices and chicken farm fires
Facebook post on February 2 (direct link, archived link) shows a screenshot of 2020 research “Chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY) blocks binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2.”
“So-so,” reads the caption of the post. “I now understand why prices are skyrocketing and poultry farms are being burned to the ground.”
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There is no evidence that the 2020 study referred to in this post has anything to do with rising egg prices or chicken farm fires. Bird flu is the cause of rising egg prices. According to the Fire Protection Research Foundation, malfunctioning heating and electrical systems cause the majority of fires in animal facilities, and have been for years.
Studies unrelated to egg prices and farm fires
The 2020 study has nothing to do with rising egg prices or chicken farm fires. Dr. Richard Martinello, Infectious disease specialist at Yale University.
Researchers in the lab sought to find tools for prevention and control of the COVID-19 virus. They found that immunoglobulin Y (an antibody found in egg yolks) exhibited “significant neutralizing potency” against COVID-19.
The survey did not mention egg prices or chicken farm fires.
Falling egg production and rising prices lead to bird flu, Rodrigo GallardoA poultry medicine professor at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine told USA TODAY in an email.
Bird flu began spreading among birds in February 2022 via saliva, feces and nasal secretions. USA TODAY reported. More than 43 million egg-laying hens have died since the outbreak. Faculty of AgricultureEgg stocks in the final week of December 2022 were also down 29% compared to the beginning of the year.
Fires at poultry farms are neither new nor suspicious, experts say.a February 1st blog post The National Fire Protection Association website notes that these types of fires occur relatively frequently.
“When we see fires in poultry storage facilities and barns, we don’t see anything out of the ordinary.” Birgit MesserschmittThe director of research at the institution said in a blog post. “This is a continuation of what we have been doing over the years in the world of fire safety and fire statistics.”
Fact check: False claim that food factory fires are evidence of planned food shortages
Malfunctioning heating and electrical systems are the leading cause of fires in animal housing facilities, according to the FDA. August 2022 report From the Fire Protection Research Foundation.
USA TODAY debunked other claims about egg shortages. related to Bill Gates and the RNA Sequencing in chicken feed Reduces the number of eggs laid by chickens.
USA TODAY reached out to social media users who shared the allegations for comment.
lead story and Reuters It also denied the allegations.
Fact-check sources:
- Richard Martinello Feb. 7 Email exchange with USA TODAY
- Rodrigo Gallardo Feb. 7 Email exchange with USA TODAY
- International Immunopharmacology, 3 November 2020, Chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY) blocks binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2
- USA TODAY, April 29, 2022, Worried about bird flu?Here’s what you need to know about what it is and its symptoms
- Department of Agriculture, accessed 8 February, Avian flu outbreak cuts egg production, pushing prices to all-time highs in 2022
- Fire Protection Research Foundation, August 2022, Fire at an animal facility
- National Fire Protection Association, Feb. 1, Conspiracy theory over poultry farm fire is false, experts say
- Lead Story, Feb 3, FACT CHECK: Chicken egg yolk antibody (IgYs) study not linked to farm fires — study involved immunized chicken eggs for testing
- Reuters, Feb. 6, Fact check – Chinese study made coronavirus antibodies in eggs by vaccinating chickens
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