Addressing Binge Eating Disorder – Mayo Clinic Health System
Most people overeat sometimes. They might fill up an extra plate in seconds at a special event, enjoy another pie at a holiday gathering, or eat popcorn until they’re full at a movie.
But for some people, overeating becomes excessive.When binge eating feels out of control and occurs regularly, it crosses the line from occasional indulgence to bulimia.It is the most common eating disorder in America.
People with binge eating disorder may feel embarrassed when they eat too much, but they have a strong urge to keep eating. They often eat alone or in secret because they feel ashamed or guilty about their eating.
Binge eating disorder differs from other eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which people severely limit the amount of food they eat, often near starvation. People with bulimia nervosa devour food but quickly expel or spit it all out or exercise excessively. People with binge eating disorder may experience nausea and exercise from time to time, but it is not part of their daily routine and does not occur every time they binge eat.
Who is at the highest risk of developing bulimia?
Binge eating disorders are more common in women than in men. Binge eating can occur in people of all ages, but it’s most common in young and middle-aged people. The average age of first onset is about 25 years. It can affect people who are underweight, overweight, or of average weight.
Many people with binge eating disorder have a long history of dieting. They may have tried and failed many diets, resulting in poor body image. It is also common in people with depression, high levels of stress in their lives, or people who use food to mask their intense emotions.
How can I tell if I have a binge eating disorder?
Binge eating disorder is primarily characterized by eating more food on a regular basis than most other people in a similar situation. Other signs are:
- Eating an abnormally large amount of food in a specific period of time, such as over 2 hours.
- Eating behavior feels out of control.
- Eat whether you are full or not hungry.
- Eat rapidly during binge episodes.
- Eat until you feel uncomfortably full.
- I often eat alone, or eat secretly…
- Feeling depressed, disgusted, embarrassed, guilty, or upset about eating.
- You are dieting frequently but may not be losing weight.
People with binge eating disorder often become experts at hiding their eating behavior. They may deny having a problem or lie about how much they eat.
Binge eating can lead to obesity, joint problems, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. They may have difficulty functioning in social settings and may become isolated or withdrawn from others. This can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders.
How is bulimia treated?
Overcoming an eating disorder is difficult because food and social situations involving food cannot be avoided during recovery. Your body needs food to survive and thrive. Still, recovery is possible and many people have overcome bulimia completely.
Treatment should address feelings associated with binge eating, such as embarrassment and low self-image. Until these are addressed, they are likely to recur and usually require professional help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy combined with medications such as antidepressants can help address triggers, negative body image, and depression. These treatments can help you regain a sense of control over your behavior and improve your stress management skills.
At the same time, a nutritionist can work with you to rebuild your relationship with food, make sure you’re getting the right nutrient balance, help create meal plans, and navigate food-related social events. We can provide support for
Binge eating disorder is serious but can be completely cured with professional treatment. Talk to your health care team if you have concerns about your diet or the eating patterns of a loved one.
Romi London I am a registered dietitian nutrition of lacrosseWisconsin.
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