Eating table debris and raw food can help protect your dog from stomach news
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After all, sharing food with your dog may not be such a bad idea.
Most pet parents know how hard it is to resist the begging look of a puppy begging for a taste of their human family’s dinner. suggests that puppy eyes In fact, it may help protect young dogs from stomach problems once they become adults.
Puppies who ate table scraps, as well as human meal leftovers and raw food, experienced fewer gastrointestinal problems. in later years compared to those who ate dry dog food, according to a new study published last week in the journal scientific reportIn addition to the kibble, the survey results are also linked rawhide— or dog chews made from dried animal skins — have stomach problems.
“Commercial dog food is presented as providing a complete, balanced diet, and gives the impression that it is very difficult for owners to prepare something this good,” said the co-authors of the study. I’m here. Anna Heelm-Björkmanna veterinarian at the University of Helsinki, Finland, to London TimesRhys Blakely. “But what we’re showing is that variety matters. No one will feed their kids the same food for 12 years.
Veterinarians have long been puzzled by what is known as canine health problems. chronic enteropathyor gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, gas, loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss lasting at least three weeks. , wondered if what dogs ate during puppyhood and adolescence has something to do with gut health in adults.
To answer this question, they analyzed survey data from over 7,000 dog owners in Finland between 2009 and 2019. Known as the DogRisk Food Frequency Questionnaire, the study asked pet owners to share what they were feeding their dogs and gastrointestinal symptoms. they observed.
Overall, 22% of puppy parents and 18% of adolescent dog owners reported gastrointestinal symptoms in their pets, with an average age of onset of about 1.5 years.
Puppies may benefit from eating raw food, table leftovers, and human leftovers.
Egil Björkman / University of Helsinki
This data suggests that puppies fed an unprocessed meat-based diet, including raw red meat, offal, fish, eggs, tripe, bone, cartilage, vegetables and berries, are more likely to develop gastrointestinal problems later on. is 22% lower. Those who ate mostly dry kibble. Similarly, puppies who ate leftovers of human food were 23% less likely to develop chronic bowel disease in adulthood.
Researchers also looked at the association between individual foods and gut health. Puppies that ate rawhide were 117% more likely to develop stomach problems in adulthood, while puppies that ate berries were 29% less likely to develop stomach problems. were 33% less likely to develop
The findings are merely a correlation and do not indicate that a puppy’s diet has a positive or negative effect on subsequent gut health. One possible reason is that dog food is high in carbohydrates.
“It may have the same effect as eating regular sugar – it causes mild inflammation,” says Heerm Björkmann. new scientist‘s Jason Arunn Murugesu.
However, pet parents should proceed with caution before completely switching their puppy’s diet. increase.
“Modern dog breeds are more susceptible to bacterial diseases when fed uncooked food, especially puppies, whose immune systems are not yet fully developed.” Those not involved in the research United States of America todayis Mike Snyder.
Based on this, Other research, Hielm-Björkman recommends a ratio of 20% raw to 80% dry dog food. She also suggests introducing new foods slowly, as it can take about three weeks for a puppy’s gut microbiome to adapt.
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