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Vitamin D effective in preventing progression from prediabetes to diabetes

Vitamin D effective in preventing progression from prediabetes to diabetes


1. The current systematic review and meta-analysis found that vitamin D supplementation in prediabetics was associated with a reduced risk of progression to diabetes.

2. Vitamin D supplementation was also associated with improved glucose regulation in this population.

Evidence Rating Level: 1 (excellent)

Research overview: Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. In particular, type 2 diabetes is associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, multiple organ failure, and adverse cardiovascular events. Although effective treatments exist, efforts are being made to reduce the incidence of diabetes as a primary prevention strategy. People with borderline blood sugar levels, known as prediabetes, are at particularly high risk of developing diabetes if preventative measures are not taken. Aside from lifestyle changes, it has been observed that higher vitamin D levels are associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The current study is a systematic review of randomized controlled trials based on an individual participant data (IPD) approach to assess whether vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing diabetes in adults with prediabetes. and meta-analysis. Therefore, three trials were included and their data were extracted and analysed. The main findings were that participants who received vitamin D supplementation were less likely to develop diabetes and more likely to restore normal glucose control. Vitamin D was not associated with an increased risk of adverse events. I did. Overall, this systematic review and meta-analysis found that vitamin D supplementation may be beneficial among prediabetics in preventing progression to diabetes and improving glycemic control.

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detail [systematic review and meta-analysis]: The current study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials investigating the effects of oral vitamin D supplementation on the development of diabetes in adults with prediabetes. was the time to onset of new-onset diabetes. In total, three randomized trials involving 4,190 participants with an approximately 1:1 vitamin D to placebo ratio were identified and included in the data synthesis. Vitamin D supplementation was provided in the form of cholecalciferol 20,000 IU weekly, cholecalciferol 4,000 IU daily, or eldecalcitol 0.75 mcg daily. All three trials were rated as having low risk of bias. Median follow-up was 3 years.Vitamin D was found to reduce the risk of new-onset diabetes by 15% (hazard ratio [HR]0.85; 95% confidence interval, [CI] 0.75 to 0.96) and the 3-year absolute risk is reduced by 3.3 percentage points (95% CI, 0.6 to 6 percentage points). Two trials used cholecalciferol as a supplemental vitamin D that must be converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the body for bioactivity. Among participants taking vitamin D supplementation, those who maintained mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels above 125 nmol/L had a 76% reduced risk of developing diabetes (HR, 0.24; 95% CI, 0.16–0.36). For serum levels between 50 and 74 nmol/L. The 3-year absolute risk reduction was 18.1 percentage points (95% CI, 11.7 to 24.6; percentage points). Vitamin D also increased the likelihood of restoring normal glucose control by 30% (rate ratio 1.30; 95% CI 1.16 to 1.46). Finally, vitamin D supplementation was not associated with an increased risk of adverse events. In summary, this systematic review summarizes the evidence supporting the use of vitamin D supplementation to reduce diabetes risk in prediabetics.

Image: PD

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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