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What is the Marburg virus?Another country records first-ever outbreak

What is the Marburg virus?Another country records first-ever outbreak


(new nation) — The World Health Organization has announced that Equatorial Guinea has confirmed its infection. First-ever outbreak of Marburg diseasesays an Ebola-related virus is responsible for at least nine deaths in a small West African country.

In a statement on Monday, the United Nations health agency confirmed the outbreak after samples from Equatorial Guinea were sent to a laboratory in Senegal and the cause of the disease was identified after being alerted by local health officials last week.

Nine people have now died and 16 suspected cases with symptoms such as fever, fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting, according to WHO. The agency said it had sent medical experts to help authorities in Equatorial Guinea stop the outbreak and was also sending protective gear to hundreds of workers.

What is the Marburg virus?

Like Ebola, the Marburg virus originates in bats and is spread between people through close contact with bodily fluids of an infected person or surfaces such as contaminated bed sheets.

illness is highly contagious viral hemorrhagic fever, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is produced by an RNA virus from the same filoviridae family as the Ebola virus.

Without treatment, Marburg disease can be fatal in up to 88% of people. According to WHOdepending on the viral strain and quality of case management.

According to the CDC, Marburg probably first infected people in the following countries: african flying fox As a result of long-term exposure from people working in mines and caves with colonies of Rousettus bats.

The rare virus was first identified in 1967 after causing simultaneous disease outbreaks in laboratories in Marburg, Germany and Belgrade, Serbia. Seven people who were exposed to the virus while studying monkeys died.

What are the symptoms of Marburg disease?

According to the WHO, symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, chills and malaise may begin to appear “suddenly”. Other symptoms include nausea, jaundice, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Muscle pain and cramps are also common symptoms.

According to the CDC, A non-itchy rash may appear On the chest, back, or stomach around day 5. Clinical diagnosis of Marburg “can be difficult” because many of the symptoms are similar to other infections such as malaria, typhoid fever and Ebola, officials said.

In fatal cases, death typically occurs between 8 and 9 days after the onset of symptoms of illness and is usually preceded by severe blood loss or hemorrhage and multiple organ failure. (During “severe bleeding episodes,” patients may have blood in their vomit and stools, “often with bleeding from the nose, gums, and vagina,” according to the WHO.

How is Marburg disease treated?

There is no licensed vaccine or drug to treat Marburg disease, but hydration treatments to relieve symptoms can improve your chances of survival.

According to the CDC, Supportive care in hospital can improve survivalFor example, rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids, maintenance of oxygen levels, use of drug therapy, and treatment when certain symptoms occur.

According to the CDC, some “ treatments” for Marburg disease have been tested on animals, but not on humans.

In the 2004 outbreak in Angola, Marburg killed 90% of the 252 people infected. Last year, two of her Marburg deaths were reported in Ghana.

Where are outbreaks reported?

Marburg outbreaks have been reported more than a dozen times since 1967, mainly in African countries such as South Africa, Kenya, Angola and Uganda. According to WHO. Outbreaks have also been reported in Germany, Yugoslavia, Russia, and the Netherlands, and one case was observed in the United States in 2018 in a traveler who had recently returned from travel to Uganda.




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