‘Stop sperm progression’: US researchers report promising development in search for ‘male pill’
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine in the United States have created an contraceptive drug candidate that “temporarily arrests sperm and prevents pregnancy in preclinical models.” This means that new types of contraceptives for men may be developed. This is now available through physical barriers (condoms) and surgical options (vasectomy), similar to how pills exist for women.
Jochen Buck, Ph.D., and Lonny Levin, Ph.D., professors of pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medicine, say the discovery could be a “game changer” in contraception. In a summary of their study (“On-Demand Male Contraception by Acute Inhibition of Soluble Adenylate Cyclase”) published February 14 in Nature Communications, they write: Therefore, existing family planning options are inadequate. ”
What do the studies say?
Essentially, this study was an attempt to demonstrate a proof of concept and show whether such a pill idea would actually work. The goal was to slow the motility or movement of sperm or male gametes that cause
According to the Weill Cornell Medicine Newsroom, the study is the result of working on a single protein. “Dr. Levin asked Dr. Buck to isolate a key cell-signaling protein called soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) that had long eluded biochemists. The two then worked together as part of a team. I came to
They found that mice genetically engineered to lack sAC were infertile. In 2018, her associate postdoc in the lab, Dr. Melanie Balbach, found that mice given drugs that inactivate sAC lead to sperm that are unable to advance themselves. Thus, sAC inhibition was viewed as a possible safe contraceptive option, as another team reported that men lacking the gene encoding sAC were infertile but otherwise healthy. rice field.
How was the research done?
A single dose of an sAC inhibitor called TDI-11861 was found to immobilize spermatozoa in mice for up to 2.5 hours, and the effect persisted in the female reproductive tract after mating. After 3 hours some sperm begin to regain motility. By 24 hours, nearly all sperm have regained normal motility.
“Our inhibitor works within 30 minutes to an hour,” said Dr. Balbach. “All other hormonal or non-hormonal male contraceptives take weeks to reduce sperm count or render an egg incapable of being fertilized.”
The team now plans to conduct these experiments in a separate preclinical model and hopes to eventually progress to human clinical trials.
Why was it difficult to develop a male contraceptive pill?
In general, contraception has focused on women. In 1960, the oral contraceptive pill was approved for sale. The pill was not entirely without controversy either, but the risk of developing blood clots, cancer There were also significant benefits, according to some studies. It allowed women to have more agency in childbirth.
How the pill worked was to regulate the hormones progestin and estrogen to prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. . Washington Post The same may not have happened to men because of their biology. Females produce one egg per month, while males produce far more sperm. Therefore, method development is more difficult.
Even though women have been dealing with these for years, studies are sometimes stopped after a 2016 study found only milder side effects, including acne and mood swings. It also relates to changing norms regarding what is currently accepted in such trials compared to when female contraception was being developed in Western countries in the mid-century.
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