11-year-old boy dies of flesh-eating bacteria
But it doesn’t stop there, says a family in Winter Park, Florida, as an 11-year-old athlete battles flesh-eating bacteria. To his family, Jesse Brown was a miracle child.Megan Brown is Jesse’s cousin.”Bebe and Brad struggled to conceive for ten years.” Finally gave birth to Jesse.At 11 years old, he was already stronger than most.In BMX and motocross competitions, Jesse shined.Brown said.His mom and dad were born in Lakemont. In elementary school we watched him grow into a strong, active fifth grader. His ankle on the treadmill, a sprain, and perhaps a cut, they thought little of it. Red, almost bruised. And his arms and legs were very cold, but his body was very, very hot. Alan Cross is an infectious disease specialist at the University of Maryland Medical Center and a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Cross says there has been a marked increase in cases of streptococcal infections.From scrapes to large cuts, these infections are found in children and adults. The adult was very similar to this boy, except he was an adult, and he also had soft tissue infections, which were treated with rapid antibiotic therapy plus surgery,” Cross said. “Group A streptococcal infections can lead to secondary infections.” Cross recommends keeping all wounds clean and identifying problems quickly. The first is to properly cleanse the wound and then allow time to observe.In Jesse’s case, his family says..Booted due to his ankle injury and they soon found out what to do. I didn’t know what was going on. They lost him after Jesse had a severe brain swelling.”I just kept thinking about his mother, Bebe. “He was very adventurous and encouraged everyone to live life to the fullest.” I wanted you to live. surely. And I wanted people to learn how to ride a bike,” Brown said. Seminole County Medical Director Dr. Todd Hastie said: Husty said there were 750 to 1,000 Streptococcus A cases nationwide by 2022. As of last year, he said, the number of cases, especially in children, had jumped from 1,000 to 1,500. It’s bigger than you’d expect with a wound, so you probably want to check it out, especially if your symptoms include fever,” Husty said.If it gets red or your child says the pain has gotten worse. Lakemont Elementary School founded a foundation in Jesse’s honor, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us to look out for these warning signs when it comes to necrotizing fasciitis. It is: red, swollen areas of skin that spread rapidly, severe pain, fever, dizziness, body changes, skin color, skin ulcers or blisters, and one or more dark spots.
It started with a bruised ankle and turned into spotted skin and fever.
They soon learned that the 11-year-old boy who was exercising was battling flesh-eating bacteria.
To his family, Jesse Brown was a miracle child. Megan Brown is Jesse’s cousin.
“Bebe and Brad struggled to conceive for ten years before finally giving birth to Jessie.
At age 11, he was already stronger than anyone else. Jesse’s success in BMX and motocross competitions.
“He was such an old soul. Everyone said, ‘He’s such a tiny adult in this tiny little body,'” Brown said.
His mom and dad watched him grow into a strong and active 5th grader at Lakemont Elementary School.
“When he was nine, he started racing motocross, anything with two wheels that could go fast,” Brown said.
So when Jesse hurt, sprained, or cut his ankle on the treadmill, they thought little of it.
“A few days later, they went to the ER in the morning because he woke up. His entire leg was covered in mottled purplish red, almost bruised. And his arms and legs were It was very cold, but his body was very cold, very hot,” Brown said.
They were told it turned out to be a group A streptococcus that had suppurated from his injuries and may have turned into flesh-eating bacteria.
“His heart was doing something wrong so they had to bring him back a few times. His organs were starting to close and he had to be intubated,” Brown said. rice field.
His family wants everyone to know what happened to Jesse.
Dr. Alan Cross is an infectious disease specialist at the University of Maryland Medical Center and a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
“If group A streptococci form there, they can cause this very rapid infection, and the reason is that they make toxins,” Cross said.
Cross says there has been a marked increase in cases of streptococcal infections.
“Adults with trauma from car accidents and injuries were very similar to this boy, except they were adults. There is also soft tissue,” Cross said.
Group A streptococcal infections can lead to secondary infections. Cross recommends keeping all wounds clean and identifying problems quickly.
“The bottom line here is to clean the wound properly first and then allow time to observe,” Cross said.
In Jesse’s case, his family said he was wearing boots because of an ankle injury, but they didn’t immediately know what had happened. lost.
“I’ve been thinking about his mother, Bebe, because she’s my favorite. My heart really broke for her,” Brown said.
They share their heartbreak to raise awareness and remember their miracle child.
“He was very adventurous and everyone wanted to live life to the fullest, of course. And everyone wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle,” Brown said. rice field.
Seminole County Medical Director Dr. Todd Hastie said, “This is a terrifying case, but one that will raise our awareness.
“Yes, it’s scary. It sounds scary, but it’s actually very rare. Be careful,” Husty said.
Husty said there were 750 to 1,000 Streptococcus A cases nationwide by 2022.
As of last year, the number of cases, especially among children, jumped from 1,000 to 1,500, he said.
“If their symptoms are greater than you would expect for a sprained ankle, greater than what you would expect for a wound, especially if their symptoms include fever, they should probably be checked out. ‘ said Hastie.
Other symptoms to look out for include red bruises and if your child says the pain has gotten worse.
“Early on, this is kind of quiet,” Hastie said. “Now that it’s happened and it’s in the news, we know it’s out there, so we’re going to be a little more vigilant and careful, but it’s a really difficult diagnosis for doctors…parents.”
Lakemont Elementary School established a foundation in Jesse’s honor.
of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention When it comes to necrotizing fasciitis, I tell you to pay attention to these warning signs:
- A red, swollen area of skin that spreads rapidly
- severe pain
- heat
- dizzy
- change in skin color
- one or more dark spots on the skin
- skin ulcers or blisters
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