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Understanding Drug Interactions, Treg Dysfunction in ALS: Stanley Appel, MD

Understanding Drug Interactions, Treg Dysfunction in ALS: Stanley Appel, MD


Watch time: 5 minutes

“We’re reducing the intracellular inflammatory pathway that’s putting T regs into dysfunction. If you’re boosting T regs with IL-2 injections instead of growing the cells, you could combine that with something else. It suppresses activated myeloid cells, macrophages, etc., and we think the combination makes sense.”

Neuroinflammation is a pathological hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in both transgenic rodent models and patients, with proinflammatory T lymphocytes (Treg) and activated macrophages/microglia. characterized by Phase 2a Clinical Trial (NCT04055623) Finds COYA 101, a First-in-Class His Treg Cell Therapy Product Developed by Coya Therapeutics, to be Safe, Signs of Potentially Slowing Disease Progression in ALS Patients showed.was announced in Neurology, Neuroimmunology, and Neuroinflammation In late 2022, this study will randomize 7 patients 1:1 to receive intravenous Treg infusions (1 x 106 cells/kg) every 4 weeks and interleukin-2 (2 x 105 IU /m2) or a matching placebo for 24 days. For several more weeks, he was followed by a 24-week open-label extension (OLE).

During OLE, 6 of 8 participants showed slow or no progression, while the other 2 rapid progressors had elevated markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. Despite the recent approval of Amylyx’s AMX0035 (Relyvrio), researchers in the field are looking to expand their therapeutic toolbox and find ways to combat the all-encompassing disease of ALS. Many feel that a combined approach will be needed to treat this disease, primarily due to the synergistic effects of multiple therapeutic approaches.

To find out if the Treg approach is most effective in combination with other previously approved therapies, neurology live® I met with Stanley H. Appel, MD, Chair of Coya’s Scientific Advisory Board. Appel, Peggy, and Gary Edwards Distinguished Chairs of ALS Research, Co-Directors of the Houston Methodist Neurological Institute, Chair of the Stanley H. Appel Department of Neurology at Houston Methodist Hospital, and Professor of Neurology at Weill Cornell Medical School, said: provided insight. Differences between each drug, and the role of his Treg dysfunction in his ALS research.

1. Tonhoff JR, Berry JD, Macklin EA et al. Combination therapy of regulatory T lymphocytes and IL-2 is safe, tolerable and biodegradable for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for 1 year. actively active. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2022;9(6):e20019.doi:10.1212/NXI.0000000200019.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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