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‘The Last of Us’ Episode 8 Recap: Ellie’s Story Reminds People That They’re The Real Monsters Of The Zombie Apocalypse (Spoilers)

‘The Last of Us’ Episode 8 Recap: Ellie’s Story Reminds People That They’re The Real Monsters Of The Zombie Apocalypse (Spoilers)


Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers for Episode 8 of The Last of Us, which premiered on March 5th.


as “The Walking Dead” and their descendants We’ve proven time and time again that people who get their way in a lawless society become true monsters in the zombie apocalypse. This was forcefully pointed out in the latest episode of “The Last of Us,” showing how tough, steely and resourceful it is. Teenage Ellie might be.

Joel and (Peter Pascal) Ellie (Bella Ramsey), still ailing, encounters starving community leader David (Scott Shepherd).

“I know it’s hard to trust strangers,” David said the first time he met Ellie, assuring her, “I’m a decent guy.”

Yet despite initially sounding pleasantly voiced and perfectly reasonable, David is exposed as a different kind of monster, resorting to cannibalism to feed his struggling herd and eventually ending up as a teenage Ellie. attempted to sexually assault as a comrade.

In one of the more gruesome images the series has produced, first Ellie and then Joel witness the wreckage of what David had relied on for food, and Joel discovers the hideous locker where the body was kept.

For her part, Ellie fought back after trading the deer for antibiotics to help Joel, who had recovered enough to torture and kill some of David’s men in order to find her. She also saved Catharsis with an outburst of instinctive violence after admirably leveraging her immunity to the virus as a means to buy her time when David tried to kill her.

Scott Shepard and Bella Ramsey in Episode 8

almost certainly by chance odd story One of the series is generally more impressive than the even series, and this pattern continues here. These last few chapters are notable for the gradual evolution of Joel and Ellie’s relationship, highlighted when he finally finds her at the end of the hour, emotionally exhausting. “It’s okay, baby girl,” he said with sheer kindness to the young man who died… otherwise salvation for the atrocities on display.

HBO (a unit of Warner Bros. Discovery, like CNN) is already a huge success. viewing conditions and media headlines, the series has one more episode that essentially solidifies its credentials in terms of another priority related to prestige TV shows.

Aside from the extensive roster of guest stars, Pascal and Ramsey may not have fully sealed that deal given the historical hurdles the genre faces on its front. Yet, in each of these last few hours, they continue to build on what already seemed pretty convincing.




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