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Man dies from brain-eating amoeba after sinus cleansing

Man dies from brain-eating amoeba after sinus cleansing


  • people died from radiation exposure Naegleria fowleriAlso called “brain-eating amoeba”.
  • The person may have been using a sinus cleanser when exposed.
  • Infection Naegleria fowleri It is rare and occurs only when amoeba-contaminated water enters the nose.

People from Southwest Florida died after being infected with Naegleria fowleriCommonly known as “brain-eating amoeba”.

Charlotte County’s Florida Department of Health said on Feb. 23 that the infection occurred “as a result of sinus irrigation with tap water.” news release.

Department confirmed Thursday Email Statement CNN An unidentified person has died and authorities are still investigating the incident.

Department stressed infection Naegleria fowleri It is rare and occurs only when amoeba-contaminated water enters the nose.

“You can’t get infected by drinking tap water,” health officials added.

Naegleria fowleri Amoebas are single-celled organisms that typically live in warm freshwater and soil, such as lakes, rivers, and hot springs.

When ameba-laden water enters the nose, the organism can migrate to the brain and cause an almost always fatal brain infection called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).

This infection is rare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recorded 157 cases of PAM in the United States from 1962 to 2022.

Most cases occur in men under the age of 14, agency report.

The first symptoms of PAM, which may include headache, fever, nausea or vomiting, usually begin about 5 days after infection (but can start anywhere from 1 to 12 days).

Later symptoms include stiff neck, confusion, inattention to people and surroundings, seizures, hallucinations, and coma.

The disease progresses rapidly, and death usually occurs within an average of five days after symptoms begin. According to the CDC.

By 2021, there will be only four survivors of the infection, report CDC.

symptoms of Naegleria fowleri infection is bacterial meningitis.

Anjan DevnathAn assistant professor in the Skaggs Department of Medicine and Pharmacy at the University of California, San Diego, said this overlap of symptoms can delay the initiation of treatment. Naegleria fowleriThis is because doctors may try to treat people with bacterial or viral meningitis first.

However, even if a doctor diagnoses Naegleria fowleri He said that early infection could cause patients to die without effective treatment.

Currently, infections are It has been processed With a combination of antifungal, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

“None of these drugs are FDA-approved. Naegleria fowlerisaid Debnath.

Furthermore, “There is no ‘silver bullet’ that can uniformly treat this infection.

Debnath’s research focus includes searching for drugs that treat this infection, ideally with fewer toxic side effects, either alone or in combination with other drugs.

To do that, he said, additional funding is needed to support this kind of research.

Infection Naegleria fowleri It can occur when water containing amoeba enters the nose.

In very rare cases, people have been infected from poorly maintained pools, splash pads, or surf parks. According to the CDCsuch as the water does not contain enough chlorine.

infect humans Naegleria fowleri When using contaminated tap water to rinse the sinuses and cleanse the nose during religious practices.

Debnath’s only infection vector is Naegleria fowleri from the nose.

“if you drink [contaminated] Stomach acid kills the amoeba,” he said.

Moreover, the infection does not spread from person to person.

This amoeba is found in many places, but being a heat-loving organism, it grows best at temperatures as high as 115°F.

“When temperatures exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit, especially in the summer months in places like Texas and Florida, lakes, rivers, and hot springs can see increased numbers of this creature,” says Debnath.

However, amoebas can also exist in cold water, but they do not multiply as rapidly as in warm water.

According to CDC data, the infection was more common Southern and western states have reported it as far north as Minnesota in the Midwest and Maryland in the east.

long term trend suggestion the range Naegleria fowleri In recent years, it has expanded northward as a result of rising temperatures due to climate change.

Infections are also common during the summer months when the water in lakes and rivers is warmer and more people swim.

Devnath said it was unusual to see Naegleria fowleri Infected in February in Florida. Before the recent case, the CDC didn’t record All cases in the country from December to March.

Many people use sinus cleansers to flush out clogged nasal passages and make breathing easier. It also moistens nasal passages exposed to dry indoor air.

This is done by flushing the nasal passages with saline or salt water using a nasal irrigation device. These devices include teapot-shaped neti pots, bulb syringes, squeeze bottles, and battery-powered devices that pulse water.

“Using a sinus cleanser is very safe and one of the most recommended treatments for managing sinus and nasal ailments. Christine SmithRhinologist and Assistant Professor, University of Utah Health, Salt Lake City.

she emphasized that Naegleria fowleri Infections from sinus washings are “very rare”.

Between 2012 and 2021, the CDC will only 2 infections It is associated with people rinsing their sinuses with contaminated tap water.

Most of the 31 cases at that time were due to recreational water exposure, with one person contracting contaminated tap water used on a backyard slide.

However, “keep in mind that you’ll need to use distilled, sterile, or previously boiled water,” says Smith.

Distilled and sterile water is available in stores.

tap water simmer for at least 1 minute Cool before using. At altitudes above 6,500 feet, the water should be boiled for at least 3 minutes.

“Boiling kills any bacteria or amoebas that happen to be in the water,” says Smith.

Previously boiled water should be stored in a clean, closed container and used within 24 hours.

Another option is to use tap water that has been passed through a water filter designed to remove harmful organisms.

this filter Must be labeled “NSF 53” or “NSF 58” or have an absolute pore size of 1 micron or less.

“Many new refrigerators in the home have water filters of this size,” says Smith. “So people can use the water from the high-filter refrigerator for sinus cleansing.”

In warm freshwater such as lakes and rivers, people have to “always assume”. Naegleria fowleri infection, CDC warns.

“The only surefire way to prevent infection is to avoid water-related activities in warm freshwater, especially during the summer,” the agency said.

If you choose to swim, you can swim reduce your risk Preventing infection by trying to keep water out of your nose by:

  • Avoid jumping or diving into warm freshwater, especially during the summer months.
  • Close your nose while in warm freshwater, use a nose clip when entering the water, or keep your head above the water.
  • Do not soak your head in untreated hot spring or geothermal water.
  • Amoebas are likely to live in that sediment, so don’t stir or dig into the sediment in shallow warm freshwater.

The Florida Department of Health also Recommendation the following:

  • Avoid getting water up your nose when washing your face, showering, bathing, or using hard plastic or backyard pools.
  • Do not allow children to play with sprinklers or hoses unsupervised, and avoid slides and other activities where water can enter their noses.
  • Backyard pools should be thoroughly sanitized before and after each use.




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