What is measles?Our medical analyst explains
Up to 20,000 people who attended a religious gathering at the University of Wilmore, Kentucky in February may have been exposed to those who were later diagnosed with measles.
On Friday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention raised the alarm Inform clinicians and public health officials about confirmed cases of measles in individuals who attended meetings A person who has not been vaccinated against the disease.
“If I participate Asbury College Gathering If not vaccinated against measles on February 17 or 18, or if not fully vaccinated against measles, isolate for 21 days after last exposure and monitor for measles symptoms Measles should not be spread to others.
The CDC also recommended that unvaccinated people get the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Reading this news, people may ask questions about measles, its symptoms, consequences of infection and who is most at risk. outbreaks, and the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine.
To answer these questions, we spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician and George She is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health. Previously, she served on the Baltimore Health Commissioner, overseeing the city’s vaccination and infectious disease investigations.
CNN: What is measles and what are the symptoms?
AS Dr. Liana Wen: Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by the measles virus. Despite many public health advances, including the development of an MMR vaccine, MMR remains a leading cause of death in children worldwide.
The measles virus is transmitted through droplets from an infected person’s nose, mouth, and throat. If someone is infected and coughs or sneezes, the droplets can land and become infected. These droplets can land on surfaces, and if you touch a surface and then touch your nose or mouth, it can also become infected.
usually present with symptoms 10-12 days After infection. Symptoms include high fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and small painless white spots inside the mouth.A few days after these symptoms began, many people characteristic rash — Flat red spots, generally starting on the face and spreading over the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet.
CNN: What are the consequences of measles infection? Who is most at risk?
Wen: Many people recover without incident. However, others can develop severe complications.
one-fifth An unvaccinated measles patient is hospitalized, According to the CDC1 in 20 children with measles develops pneumonia. About 1 in 1,000 people who get measles can develop encephalitis. Also, one to three of her 1,000 children infected with measles die.
Measles is not just a problem for children. It can also cause premature birth in pregnant women. Immunocompromised people, such as a cancer patient or her HIV-positive person, are also at increased risk.
CNN: Why is measles so contagious?
Wen: Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world. up to 90% A proportion of unvaccinated people who come in contact with an infected person also become infected. The measles virus can remain in the air for up to two hours after an infected person leaves the area.
Another reason measles spreads so easily is its long incubation period.In infected people, the time since exposure to fever is 10 days on average, It takes about 14 days from exposure to the onset of the rash, but it can be up to 21 days. It’s a long period of time during which you can unknowingly infect others.
CNN: What caused the recent measles epidemic?
Wen: It’s important to note that this incident in Kentucky is not yet considered an outbreak. Only one person was diagnosed with measles. Given the number of people who attended this rally, it’s possible that person was exposed to many others, but it’s not yet known if any of those people were infected.
But let’s take a look at a recent confirmed outbreak in the United States. November 2022, Health officials in central Ohio have sounded the alarm for infants diagnosed with measles. In total, 85 children fell ill. No children died, but 36 required hospitalization. All infected individuals were either unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated.
Health authorities were able to contain the outbreak through contact tracing, vaccination and other public health measures in early February and it was declared over. but there are concerns It won’t be the last of its kind. According to a CDC study, vaccination rate Essential Vaccines for Kindergarten Children Nationwide down from 95% in 2019-20 Up to 93% in the 2021-22 school year. In some communities, infection rates are much lower than this national average, which can lead to outbreaks of diseases with serious consequences, not just measles, but polio.
CNN: How effective is the MMR vaccine?
Wen: The MMR vaccine is given in two doses. It is recommended that children receive her first dose at 12-15 months of age and her second dose at 4-6 years of age. His single dose of the MMR vaccine is 93% effective in preventing measles infection. Two doses are 97% effective.
CNN: What is the best way to protect yourself from measles?
Wen: The MMR vaccine is a very safe and highly effective vaccine that prevents an otherwise highly contagious disease from spreading with potentially very serious and sometimes fatal consequences. It is recognized as an important public health advancement for
Consider that a vaccine was licensed in the United States in 1963.In his four years prior to that, he averaged 500,000 Measles and more than 430 measles-related deaths. By 1998, only 89 of his deaths from measles had occurred. This is a huge public health victory.
Infants should be vaccinated according to the recommended schedule. Older children and adults who have never received it should also discuss it with their health care providers. In addition, efforts to increase routine childhood immunization should be stepped up.
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