Colorectal cancer survivors talk about screening and the importance of early detection
Madison, Wisconsin (WMTV) – Health experts have recently reported an increase in colon cancer cases among young adults across the United States, but there are still many unanswered questions as to why.
Almost nine years after cancer, Amy Miller emphasizes the importance of raising awareness and getting screened for cancer.
Miller is a registered nurse in the inpatient operating room at UW Health.
“You see a lot of crazy things, but at the same time, am I just overreacting? Am I a bit of a hypochondriac? Is this really something to worry about?” she said. I was.
At age 30 and with no family history of the disease, Miller was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. She had just given birth to her third child and she was experiencing symptoms such as bleeding.
As time went on, she realized something was wrong.
“It was a shock, especially when a health care provider told me I was too young for this disease and it turned out I wasn’t.” If I hadn’t been able to do that, I think it would have been a very different outcome.”
Over the course of 10 months, Miller underwent multiple rounds of surgery, radiation, oral and IV chemotherapy.
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States, with about 150,000 cases and about 50,000 deaths annually, said Sam Lubner, M.D., oncologist for Amy Miller at UW Carbone Cancer Center. said. Dr. Lumber said the good news is that there are ways to prevent colon cancer, like screening.
“What this means is that cancer doesn’t really care about age,” Ravner said.
Miller is a huge proponent of early screening and getting to know her body. Her three daughters will be screened for colon cancer sooner as they get older, she said.
“It’s a great joy in an oncologist’s life to say, ‘I don’t want to see you again,’ and have a patient say, ‘I don’t want to see you again,'” Lubner said. We kind of laugh about it, but it’s fun to see her working here in the hospital and sometimes, knowing she’s where the patients were, I give her a high five at the hospital. only.”
annual Bowling for Colons fundraiser Like Miller, you benefit others in your story.
“As my children grow up, I hope that the risk will be lower because there may be more answers, whether we’re helping fund future research or not. And it just encourages people to get screened.It may seem like an invasive thing and scary, but it’s actually not that bad.The results can be very important. Yes,” said Miller.
Bowling for Colons is Sunday, March 12th. NBC15 is a sponsor of this year’s fundraising event.
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