Scientists discover potential new targets for treating age-related neurological disorders
Scientists at the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI) have shed new light on the aging process in the brain. By linking the increased presence of specialized immune cells to conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury for the first time, we have discovered potential new therapeutic targets aimed at treating age-related neurological disorders.
Benefiting from collaborations with experts from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the study, which focuses on microglia in the brain and spinal cord, is published today in a leading international journal. scientific progress.
Microglia are a unique type of immune cells that support nerve cells, prevent microbial invasion, remove debris, and eliminate dying nerve cells by engulfing and eating them. Emerging research indicates that microglia may exhibit different functional responses in response to molecular and biochemical changes occurring within these specialized cells.
Indeed, different subtypes of microglia can be distinguished based on a property called autofluorescence. This is the tendency of cells to emit light of another color after absorbing it, and it occurs because certain substances in cells absorb light. Substances stored in specialized cellular compartments include fat molecules, cholesterol crystals, metals and other misfolded proteins.
David Loane, assistant professor of neuroscience at TBSI’s Trinity’s School of Biochemistry and Immunology, is the lead author of the study.. He said:
“As the brain ages, these substances accumulate within autofluorescent microglia, resulting in increased autofluorescence. It also makes it harder to perform tasks and prevent neurological injuries and neurodegenerative diseases.
“In this study, we found that in aging animals, these microglia are in a unique state of dysfunction, which has many problematic effects, such as increased cellular stress and damage. , the accumulation of fat and iron, changes in metabolic processes and increased production of molecules that over-generate immune responses.”
Furthermore, scientists found that autofluorescent microglia and associated inflammation were more pronounced under pathological conditions such as the genetic risk factor model for Alzheimer’s disease, promisingly demonstrating drug-assisted microglia in aged animals. We showed that it is reversed by permutation.
Moreover, environmental exposure to acute traumatic brain injury in animals accelerated age of onset and tissue-wide distribution of autofluorescent microglia by increasing oxidative stress damage in the brains of injured animals.
As a result, there is now growing evidence to suggest that the accumulation of autofluorescent microglia contributes to aging and neurodegenerative diseases. If these subpopulations of microglia are highly inflammatory and damaging to the brain, targeting them could be a new strategy for treating aging-related diseases.”
David Loane, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, TBSI Trinity Department of Biochemistry and Immunology
Journal reference:
sprocket, RM, and others. (2023) Brain injury accelerates the development of a reversible age-related microglial phenotype associated with inflammatory neurodegeneration. scientific progress.
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