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Nerve injury, stroke, delirium: scientists warn of brain injury associated with coronavirus infection


New suggests that COVID-19 may cause serious neurological complications including inflammation, psychosis and delirium, and that such damage may be more common than originally thought As evidence, scientists warned Wednesday of a potential wave of coronavirus-related brain damage.

A study by researchers at the University College London (UCL) reported 43 COVID-19 patients with temporary brain dysfunction, stroke, nerve damage, or other serious brain effects. The study also adds to a recent study that found that the disease could damage the brain.

“Is there a massive pandemic-related epidemic of brain damage similar to cerebral hemorrhage in the 1920s and 1930s after the 1918 flu pandemic,” said Michael Zandi of the UCL Neurological Institute. States. , Co-led the research.

COVID-19, a disease caused by coronaviruses, is a respiratory disease that primarily affects the lungs, but neuroscientists and brain specialists say new evidence of effects on the brain is of concern. ..

“I’m worried that we now have millions of people with COVID-19. And there are 10 million people who have recovered over the course of a year, who have cognitive impairment. In that case, it affects their ability to work and to engage in activities of daily life,” says Western neuroscientist Adrian Owen. A Canadian university told Reuters in an interview.

In a UCL study published in the journal Brain, nine patients with brain inflammation were diagnosed with a rare condition called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). It is common in children and is caused by a viral infection. The team usually said that it sees about one adult adult ADEM patient each month at a specialist clinic in London, which increased “at least once a week” during the study period, “about the increase.”

“We may not yet know what the long-term damage COVID-19 can do if the disease has only been occurring for a few months,” he said. Said Mr. Ross Paterson. “Early diagnosis can improve patient outcomes, so physicians need to be aware of possible neurological consequences.”

The human brain is part of a collection of more than 3,000 brains that may provide insights into mental illness and will be found on July 19, 2017, in a mental hospital in Duffel, Belgium.  (Reuters photo)
The human brain is part of a collection of more than 3,000 brains that may provide insight into mental illness and will be found on July 19, 2017, in a mental hospital in Duffel, Belgium. (Reuters photo)

New evidence emphasizes the need for large-scale, in-depth studies and global data collection to assess how common such neurological and psychiatric complications are. Said. He is conducting an international research project at, where patients sign up to complete a series of cognitive tests to see if their brain function has changed since they obtained COVID-19. I can do it.

“This disease affects so many people,” Owen said. “So it’s so important to collect this information right now.”

Another important finding highlighted in the study is that even people with mild cases of the virus can have serious problems. Until now, only severe COVID-19 infections were known to put patients at risk for neurological complications.

“We identified a higher than expected number of people with neurological conditions that were not always correlated with the severity of respiratory symptoms such as brain inflammation,” Zandy said.

Studies have shown that none of the patients diagnosed with a neurological problem had COVID-19 in their cerebrospinal fluid, and that the virus did not directly attack their brains. Suggested. Perhaps of crucial importance, the diagnosis of ADEM was found to be “independent of the severity of respiratory COVID-19 disease.”


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