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Incidents in the US increase as leaders clash over ways to control spreads


We thought the disease was oak. He thought he was young and invincible and would not be affected by the disease. Oh, a 30-year-old man killed by a virus after attending a secret party in Texas. One of the painful things he told the nurses, I think I made a mistake. The crisis-governor of Texas expanded the state’s disaster declaration in the new Oasis County. The county’s morgue is now at capacity, and infants are among the latest victims of the virus. I have an infant less than 6 months old who died on Friday. Georgia, Illinois, and Utah reported the highest case ever. With more than 300,000 people in California alone, West Virginia is currently the most prevalent in the country. The virus is now spreading faster than any other state in West Virginia. Florida is the second to report more than 11,000 new cases a day, the state reports an average of more than 9000 cases per day, and the state has begun resuming in May. Since then, it has increased by more than 1200%. The World Health Organization is currently warning. In our current situation, the White House has little chance to eradicate or eliminate this wear. I’m Whitney Wilde’s report.

What you need to know about COVID-19: US cases increase as leaders clash over how to control spreads

Due to the prevalence of coronaviruses across the United States, local and state leaders are disputing the types of regulations that must be implemented to make effective progress. In Florida, Senator Donna Charara said the virus is still out of control and Miami is nearing its second shutdown. “It’s out of control across the state because the Governor doesn’t even tell everyone to wear a mask. At least in Miami-Dade County, everyone needs to wear a mask when they are in her CNN “This is an American tragedy,” she added. In recent weeks, the state broke multiple daily highs in new cases, reporting an additional 10,360 new infections on Saturday. About 40 hospitals across the state do not have ICU beds available and more than 7,000 patients are hospitalized with the virus throughout the state. Mr Rondesantis said last week that the state “stabilized the current situation” and resisted the implementation of statewide mask orders. On Saturday, he proposed that Florida not move to the next resumption phase so far, “I would like to lower this positive rate,” Governor Brian Kemp in Georgia denounces Mayor Atlanta’s decision to reopen the city. did. Phase 1 said the action is “mere guidance, non-binding and non-enforceable.” Phase 1 includes an instruction to keep residents at home, except for basic trips. The mayor, who responded positively to COVID-19, defended her decision that the state was recklessly opened and that the population was “suffering from the consequences.” Local actions cannot be more or less restrictive, as clearly stated in my executive order. The rules apply to the entire state,” Kemp wrote on Twitter. This argument is part of a nationwide effort by US leaders to control the now-proliferating coronavirus without forcing residents to a second blockade. More than half of the US states have suspended or rolled back their resume plans in hopes of delaying new lawsuits. However, despite experts warning that it is the most effective way to prevent further spread of the virus, the authorities’ facemask obligations and proposals still face violent backlash by many Americans. I am. According to the Johns Hopkins University, it reported more than 3.2 million infections. According to US Census Bureau data, this exceeds the individual population of 21 states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico. At least 134,814 Americans have died. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, at least 33 states are on the rise in new cases compared to last week. These states are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, and Illinois. , Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Virginia. , Arizona, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and 14 states of Wyoming continue to trek. Three states report declines: Delaware, Maine and New Jersey debates over school opening As presidents work to tackle the crisis, the president said last week to return the country to business as usual. Announced that it will put pressure on the governor to resume. The Florida Department of Education has announced that schools will have to reopen in the fall if educators protest in the state. Leaders in other states have yet to announce the change, but local decisions have slowed the start of the fall semester. Although the CDC has published guidelines for parents and managers, Dr. Robert Redfield, who is responsible for the agency, said the district will ultimately make a safe course decision, but the CDC’s internal The document warns that K-12 schools and universities will be fully reopened, and the “highest risk” to the spread of the virus, according to the New York Times report. The 69-page document that the Times marked as “Internal Use Only” was one of the sources for the Federal Public Health Response Team deployed at the Coronavirus Hotspot. The newspaper reported to help local public health authorities deal with the outbreak. To stop the spread of COVID-19 To stop the spread of coronaviruses, CDC recommends that you keep 6 feet between you and others and wear a mask. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Click here for tips on how to stay safe.

Due to the prevalence of coronaviruses throughout the United States, local and state leaders have found themselves in conflict with the types of regulations that must be implemented to make effective progress.

Rep. Dona Charara of Florida said the virus was still out of control and places like Miami were nearing a second shutdown.

“It’s out of control across the state because our governor doesn’t even tell everyone to wear a mask. At least in Miami-Dade County, everyone has to wear a mask when they’re outside. I have to do it,” she told CNN.

“This is an American tragedy,” she added.

In the past few weeks, the state broke multiple records of daily highs in new cases, reporting an additional 10,360 new infections Saturday. State data show that about 40 hospitals in the state do not have ICU beds and more than 7,000 patients are infected with the virus throughout the state.

Governor Rondesantis said last week that the state “stabilized where we were,” resisted the implementation of statewide mask orders. On Saturday, he proposed that Florida would not move into the next resumption phase so far, saying “I want to lower this positive rate.”

Georgia governor Brian Kemp blamed the mayor’s decision to return the city’s resumption to the first phase. Phase 1 includes an instruction to keep residents at home, except for basic trips. The mayor, who responded positively to COVID-19, defended her decision, saying the state had runaway and the population was “suffering from the consequences.”

“As clearly stated in my executive order, local actions cannot be more or less restricted, and the rules apply to the entire state,” Kemp wrote. twitter.

This discussion is part of US leaders’ national efforts to curb the rapid spread of coronaviruses without forcing a second blockade of the population. More than half of the US states have suspended or rolled back their resume plans in hopes of delaying new lawsuits. However, both the facemask obligations and the proposals by the authorities still face a violent backlash by many Americans-if experts warn that it is the most effective way to prevent further spread of the virus. But

Latest numbers

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, the United States reports more than 3.2 million infections Johns Hopkins University. According to US Census Bureau data, this exceeds the individual population of 21 states, Washington DC and Puerto Rico. At least 134,814 Americans have died.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, at least 33 states are on the rise in new cases compared to last week.

The states are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico,. North. Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Alaska, Arizona, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, and Wyoming are steadily trekking.

Decreases have been reported in three states: Delaware, Maine and New Jersey.

Debate over school openings

As the country tackles the crisis, the president announced last week that he would pressure the governor to restart school.

Despite a surge of state incidents and educator screams of protest, Florida’s education sector has announced that it will need to reopen school in the fall. Leaders in other states have yet to announce the change, but local decisions have slowed the start of the fall semester. The CDC has published guidelines for parents and managers, but Dr. Robert Redfield, who is responsible for the agency, said that the safest course decisions are ultimately in the district.

However, CDC’s internal documentation warns that the full reopening of schools and colleges from kindergarten to high school poses the “maximum risk” of the spread of the virus. According to the New York Times report.

The 69-page document, obtained by The Times, labeled “Internal Use Only,” was deployed at a coronavirus hotspot to help local public health officials deal with the outbreak, the paper reported. It was one of the sources of the federal public health response team.

Prevent the spread of COVID-19

To prevent the spread of coronaviruses, CDC recommends that you keep 6 feet between yourself and others and wear a mask.

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

For tips on how to stay safe, click here.


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