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Why stress makes it harder to make the right decisions

Why stress makes it harder to make the right decisions


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A new study finds that people are 37% more likely to experience cognitive decline when they are stressed.Justin Padgett/Getty Images
  • A new study has found a link between stress and cognitive decline.
  • Increased stress was associated with a 37% higher likelihood of cognitive decline.
  • The effects occurred in both blacks and whites, but blacks reported more stress overall.
  • Experts say that unreduced stress can have many effects on physical and mental health.
  • Learning to provoke a relaxation response can counteract stress.

according to new research A study just published at JAMA Network Open found that people with high stress levels have worse cognitive function, which can affect their memory, concentration and learning abilities.

The study authors further reported that “participants with higher levels of stress were more likely to have uncontrolled CVD risk factors and lifestyle factors (such as physical inactivity, obesity and smoking).” .

However, even after adjusting for these, study participants were 37% more likely to have cognitive problems.

They felt it was important to study the relationship between stress and dementia. most common typeAlzheimer’s disease.

Their analysis was based on data collected by the Reasons for Geographical and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study.

The federally funded study includes more than 30,000 black and white Americans age 45 and older. Participants were first recruited between 2003 and 2007, and have been followed up annually since then through phone calls, questionnaires, and home exams.

The primary aim of the REGARDS study is to examine differences in brain health among blacks living in so-called ‘stroke zones’ in certain areas, particularly in the South.

Analysis of the data from this new study revealed that both races had similar associations between increased stress and decreased cognitive function. tended to report.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health recommends that black adults: 50% higher risk of stroke than white adults.

Additionally, they are about Twice as likely to develop dementiaper Alzheimer’s Association.

Tonya C. HenselPhD, LMSW, Ph.D., Director of the Social Work Program at Tulane University, says stress is a “slow burn” and can affect both mental and physical health.

“Signs that stress may be overwhelming a person’s system can appear to be irritability, anxiety, and avoidance of things that bring joy or sorrow.” It can also manifest itself in physical forms, such as headaches.”

According to Hansel, ignoring these common signs can lead to more serious problems.

Adam GonzalesA board-certified clinical psychologist, Vice Chair of Behavioral Health at Stony Brook Medicine, and Founding Director of the Stony Brook University Mind-Body Clinical Research Center at Renaissance School of Medicine, Ph.D. Real or simply imagined in our environment – our minds and bodies respond in what is known as the “fight-or-flight-freeze response.”

This response is useful under the right circumstances. However, it can also cause problems such as difficulty thinking and concentrating, negative thoughts and worries, and physical pain. It can also produce negative emotions such as anxiety and fear.

Being caught up in a constant stress response “can wear and tear the mind and body,” Gonzalez said, adding to mental health issues such as anxiety, panic and depression, as well as inflammation and immune function. It can cause weight loss, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart problems.

Gonzalez said building resilience is important, which he defined as “the ability of the mind and body to bounce back from stress.”

“Enhancing resilience and adaptively coping with stress, including engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity/exercise, eating healthy, restful sleep, social connection with others, and spirituality.” There are many ways to go about doing it.

Gonzalez further explained that just as you can experience the stress response, you can also experience the relaxation response.

“You can create or elicit this response by repeatedly bringing your attention to a focal point (e.g., breathing, positive images, words, phrases) while remaining open to the experience,” he said. rice field.

Gonzalez also said that meditation practices, deep breathing, guided imagery, yoga, and prayer can produce relaxation responses.

“These practices can help you manage stress immediately and can help strengthen your mind and body’s resilience to stress,” he says, spending about 5 to 20 minutes each day on your relaxation response. This suggests that it is necessary to practice

“The more you practice, the more prepared your mind and body are to deal with stress,” he said.

Hansel further pointed out that what you do is not as important as the fact that you are doing something positive for yourself.

She also pointed out that what you’re doing to manage stress may need to change over time.

“Adaptable stress reductions are exercise or physical activity, going to bed an hour earlier, or breathing for five minutes,” she said.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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