What is vaginal flora disease?
Importance of lactic acid bacteria
bacterial vaginosis
Other VD conditions
The genomic organization of the large community of microorganisms that reside in or on the human body is called the ‘human microbiome’. Most of these organisms are symbiotic and have a positive or neutral effect on the health of the host, but some may be opportunistic pathogens.
Importance of lactic acid bacteria
For women, the vaginal microbiome (VMB) is an important component of the body.It consists of a diverse and abundant array of microorganisms, with bacterial genera predominating in health Lactic acid bacteria (lb). This includes several commensal species that maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome and prevent pathogenic microbial overgrowth.
VMBs may be formed by dissemination from the maternal gut, but undergo significant changes in composition during puberty. At this point, LB becomes dominant, presumably because glycogen (a major LB nutrient) within the vaginal epithelium rises due to increased estrogen levels.
Multiple LB species exist in protective associations within the vagina.these are Inactive lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus curlatus, Lactobacillus gasseri, lactobacillus jensenyiand lactobacillus acidophilusThey produce lactic acid, regulate vaginal pH, produce a variety of compounds that prevent or regulate the growth of other bacteria, enough to prevent other potential pathogens from gaining a foothold. It grows abundantly and widely.
The low vaginal pH is bactericidal due to acidification of the bacterial cytoplasm and increased permeability of Gram-negative cell membranes.
LB species dominance protects against vaginal sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This may be due to the release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by these bacteria. L. acidophilus and L. gasseriand L. rhamnosusassociated with protective effects against dysbiosis.
vice versa, L. Crispatas Mostly seen in healthy women. L. inert It is resistant to other microorganisms and may promote VD.
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Various factors alter the balance of the VMB, allowing colonization and vigorous growth of opportunistic or pathogenic microorganisms, gradually replacing the LB. This is called vaginal dysbiosis (VD) and affects more than one in three women worldwide.
In this situation, LB is mainly replaced by anaerobes such as: gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Candida species, bacteria such as Mobilunx and Bacteroidetes. Other bacteria often associated with VD include streptococci, staphylococci, Enterobacteriaceae, and Trichomonas.
bacterial vaginosis
Consequences of such disruption include bacterial vaginosis (BV), which refers to overgrowth of the normal vaginal flora. In contrast, true sexually transmitted diseases and other infections are caused by exogenous bacteria.I think that the gardnerella vaginalis First, it creates a biofilm that allows other opportunistic bacteria to grow in the vagina. Therefore, BV involves both intravaginal bacterial infection and biofilm formation.
The biggest problem of BV is in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than half of women with VD are asymptomatic. The most common symptoms include increased gray or white vaginal discharge with a distinct odor, itching, or irritation or burning, or outright pain, most often in the perineum.
In intermediate VD (using Nugent score based on LB abundance), gardnerella vaginalis and Bifidobacterium breve Both increase and balance each other to maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome.
Still, there is an increase in the anti-inflammatory interleukins, IL5 and IL13, produced by type 2 T helper cells (Th2). This suggests that in intermediate VD, clinical features may be modulated by co-expression of these markers that inhibit cell-mediated immunity and macrophage function.Combined with low ability Gardnerella To stimulate cell-mediated immunity, this correlates with the establishment of chronic and recurrent VD in asymptomatic cases.
In obvious BV, low-level gardnerella vaginalis It is seen with a significant increase in multiple species of alien bacteria. This involves an increase in inflammatory cytokines triggered by type 1 T helper (Th1) cells aimed at counteracting infection and restoring eutrophism. This explains the occurrence of symptoms.
Maybe it’s so toxic gardnerella vaginalis The strains are sexually transmitted and raise the pH of the vagina allowing the growth of strictly anaerobic bacteria that are normally restricted to low levels. produce by-products.
Together, they lay a biofilm foundation in the vaginal epithelium. The sialidase enzyme produced by GV and Prevotella intersection There are several things that lead to deterioration of the mucosal layer of the vagina.
Pathogens become able to bind to biofilms, colonize the reproductive tract and strengthen biofilms. Biofilms harbor and protect mixed infectious agents and cause resistant infections.
BV not only allows the pathogen to colonize the vagina, it can interfere with the host’s immune response. Biofilms increase the production of cytokines and prostaglandins in the vagina by reducing the effectiveness of leukocytes to fight infection and possibly by promoting the release of bacterial endotoxins.
Biofilms not only make diagnosis more difficult, but also impede our understanding of how each of the various biofilm-represented species contributes to the phenotype and pathogenesis of the vaginal microbiota.
These biofilm-forming organisms are associated with poor reproductive health outcomes and abnormal immune responses in women. BV doubles her risk of sexually transmitted diseases and other infections, as well as premature birth in pregnant women. It is also associated with a higher risk of infectious complications of pregnancy, and persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) is more common in women with BV.
Deciphering Vaginal Discharge: BV vs. Yeast Infection
Diagnosis of VD may be hampered by the number of species involved in biofilms. Clinical diagnosis of BV uses Amsel criteria or Nugent scores. The former involves identifying 3 or more of the 4 criteria given.
- pH less than 4.5
- Adding a few drops of KOH to the sample causes a fishy odor due to the release of amines (“odor test”).
- characteristic pale white or gray discharge
- Find clue cells (vaginal epithelium with stick-shaped bacteria) under the microscope.
There are many species within the taxon gardnerella vaginalissome of which are less virulent than others. Other bacteria found in BV, Fanny Hesea Sheathand Prevotella intersection It can be missed with the commonly used crystal violet stain. New methods involving peptides are being tested and developed. nucleic acid Probes and sialidase activity.
BV treatment with topical antibiotics usually results in improvement at the microbial level, whereas LB levels (mainly L. iners) are higher overall, although up to 70% of cases relapse in 2–4 weeks. Decreases. Vaginal microbiome transplantation is being explored as a therapeutic tool in this setting.
Other VD conditions
Vaginal symbiosis is also associated with adverse gynecological and obstetric outcomes. vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC); aerobic vaginitis; and other dysbiotic conditions. Vaginal flora also increases her risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), chlamydia, and other STIs.
Cytolytic vaginosis (CV) is a new term for the presence of excess LB, resulting in very low vaginal pH, often accompanied by lysis of vaginal epithelial cells. L. Crispatas Species diversity is low and appears to be dominant in this condition.
Aerobic vaginitis (AV) is another form of VD with inflammation of the underlying vaginal epithelium, with LB replaced by bacteria or cocci as the dominant flora. This is less common during pregnancy. Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV) is another rare form of VD. Both AV and DIV show abundant discharge.
VD covers the full spectrum of microbial infections, having excessive ‘normal’ LB on the one hand, but causing aerobic and anaerobic bacterial overgrowth despite normal LB counts on the other. Her recognition of VD as a complex phenomenon helps develop better strategies in both prevention and treatment of this common female disorder.
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