What is epileptic encephalopathy?
Epileptic encephalopathy is a group of neurological disorders with severe epilepsy. In epileptic encephalopathy, seizures do more damage to the brain.
Epileptic encephalopathies (EE) are a group of brain disorders that commonly present in infancy, but may also present in adulthood. They are characterized by severe, sometimes continuous, seizure activity that damages the brain and affects development, cognition (thinking ability), and behavior.
These conditions can be difficult to treat with antiepileptic drugs and may require other treatments, including some medications and surgery.
In infants with EE, seizures may be continuous, and seizures are hurt the brain, affects cognitive and behavioral functions. Infants may experience developmental delay, developmental regression, or cessation of progression.
There are several types of EE with unique causes and symptoms.
- Taiyuan syndrome
- West Syndrome (Infant Cramps)
- driving syndrome
- Myoclonic state in nonprogressive encephalopathy
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Early myoclonic encephalopathy
- Epilepsy with continuous spikes during slow-wave sleep
The symptoms of EE depend on the specific condition of the individual. However, all types have frequent seizures, and most have more than one type of seizure.
most common seizure type Here’s what you see in EE:
- Tonic seizures: These often occur during sleep and are accompanied by muscle stiffness in the limbs and trunk.
- Cataplexy: Also called akinetic seizures or drop seizures Cataplexy Accompanied by a rapid loss of muscle strength.
- Myoclonic seizures: myoclonic seizures It involves short, jerky movements and can affect a single muscle or group of muscles.
People with EE may also experience other types of seizures, such as:
Babies and children with EE may experience developmental delay Or Regression — Loss of a previously acquired skill.
Structural changes in the infant brain are the most common cause of EE.change is Congenital (present before birth), or may occur postpartum due to other factors, such as lack of oxygen to the brain before or during delivery.
There are several other possible causes for EE.
- Genetic mutation:
most genetic causes Epilepsy is a random genetic mutation that does not occur within families. - Genetic alteration: EE can be caused by genetic alterations in genes on chromosome 2, or by some other single-gene alterations.
- Metabolic Disorders: metabolic disorders Your body makes too much or too little of proteins and enzymes. They can cause seizures and some are associated with EE.
- Structural changes or atypical development of the brain: A baby’s brain can develop in unusual ways that can increase the risk of seizures.
- Brain injury: Injury to the brain, which can occur during development or during labor, or after birth, can lead to EE.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) It is the primary method of diagnosing EE. The test uses small electrodes inside a cap worn by the baby or lightly glued or temporarily attached to the baby’s head. Health care practitioners usually do this test while the infant is awake and asleep.
Health professionals may also use the following tests in diagnosing EE:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): used by healthcare professionals MRI Look for structural changes in the brain.
- Metabolic screening: To check for inherited metabolic disorders, the following tests are done: metabolic screen May be useful:
- Genetic testing: Some types of EE are:
associated with Genetic alterations and spontaneous genetic mutations. genetic test It can identify genetic alterations and aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.
The main features of EE are severe seizures and deterioration of neurologic function.Successful treatment of seizures in some types of EE
Infants with EE may require lifelong care because of epilepsy, developmental delay, and cognitive impairment. Some infants with EE are more likely to die as a result of seizures or other conditions.
Is epileptic encephalopathy fatal?
Infants with some types of EE are greater risk They die sooner than infants without EE, depending on their type and other underlying conditions.
Can epileptic encephalopathy be cured?
Research into treatments for EE is ongoing, but the condition is usually incurable. Depending on the type, treatment can relieve symptoms and improve development.However, EE is
Is Epileptic Encephalopathy hereditary?
Yes, I can. EE in some form
EE is a group of conditions characterized by severe seizures that cause brain damage and cognitive and behavioral delays. Treating these attacks may improve development. However, some types of EE may not respond well to antiepileptic drugs.
EE occurs primarily in infants but can also occur in adults. Patients with EE may require lifelong care and treatment.
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