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Illinois COVID 19 Today: IL coronavirus cases exceed 153K, killing more than 7K as state has reached another test high


Chicago (WLS)-Illinois has surpassed the 38,000 COVID-19 tests in the last 24 hours, reaching another daily high in the tests.

Coronavirus cases confirmed in Illinois increased by 954 cases on Sunday, including 20 deaths. Currently, there are a total of 153,916 COVID-19 cases, with 7,187 deaths in all states.

In the last 24 hours, Illinois has conducted 38,894 tests, bringing the state’s total to more than 1.9 million.

The Illinois Department of Public Health reported on Sunday that the 7-day prevalence of cases in all tests from July 5 to July 11 was 3.0%. The rate reported on Thursday was 2.6%.

Also on Thursday, the test record for the last day was set and 36,180 tests were run.

Two weeks after the resumption of Phase 4 in Chicago, the city had a test positive rate of less than 5% and was essentially flat, despite an increase in the number of cases from 18 to 29 years.

The city rolled back downtown restrictions on Friday’s Riverwalk. This allows you to resume standard time from 6am to 11pm.

Meanwhile, the city has tightened restrictions on bars and restaurants serving alcohol, but now it must be closed by midnight. The last call remained at 11pm

RELATED: Illinois State Guard Ends Service at State COVID-19 Test Site

Deployment of the Illinois State Guard to establish and support the state’s COVID-19 test site is nearing an end.

State leaders have recently announced that the Illinois State Guard will hand over the operation of 11 state-run test sites to private contractors this month.

Over the past four months, thousands of service members have averaged 45 days of deployment followed by 14 days of quarantine, all separated from their families to prevent the spread of the virus.

In addition to running these test sites, Guard was involved in logistics, including delivery to McCormick Place.

A small number of members have an obligation to support their transition to a civilian workforce.

The Glenview Aquatic Center is also closed due to the coronavirus.

The Flick Aquatic Center says it will be closed until at least Monday after two lifeguards test positive for the virus.

One of them worked on July 1st and 6th, but spent most of the shift in lifeguard chairs. The other was on June 30th and July 7th, when the pool was closed.

The center now states that it has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, and it does not believe the public was in close contact with any of the lifeguards.

RELATED: IHSA Revises Phase 4 Guidelines Due to Increasing COVID-19 Cases in High School Sports Teams
This week, the Illinois High School Sports Organization changed its Phase 4 guidelines.

The Illinois High School Association said the change was “due to an increase in positive COVID-19 cases among high school teams in the state.”

The IHSA is working with the State Public Health Department to limit physical contact and increase mask requirements to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Limiting physical contact also extends to competition with sports games and other schools, including 7-to-7 football, according to an IHSA spokeswoman.

Earlier this week, health officials in Lake County, Illinois, warned of an increase in cases among young people.

Health officials there said the number of cases reported in people under the age of 30 in Lake County had increased since June 25, but cases in the general population were stable. Health officials believed that the rise was the result of summer gatherings and lack of social distance.

Health officials in Chicago gave similar results. The group with the highest number of cases last week was 18-29 years old, accounting for almost 30% of new infections.

Multiple cases have been associated with Lake Zurich High School sports camps, and all of the school’s sports camps have been suspended until further notice. Officials did not say how many students were infected.

As a precaution, all participants in soccer, baseball, and pompon summer camps are specifically required to be self-isolated for 14 days.

RELATED: Chicago Teachers Union Concern Concerned by Health Authority That School May Reopen in Fall

Officials said the students tested positive on Monday, and the infection could be due to a party or rally before the start of the camp. Contact tracers are currently working to identify the extent of the outbreak.

“Many young people may think they are not at risk because they are not in the high-risk group for COVID-19, but young people are as likely to be infected as older people.” COVID-19, so we can spread it to others,” said Hannah Gehring of the Lake County Department of Health.

Individuals participating in sports activities at Vernon Hills High School also showed positive reactions. It was not immediately clear whether the incident was related to the Zurich High School incident.

As of Wednesday afternoon, there were no signs that Vernon Hills would cancel the summer sport.

According to officials, this is a reminder that the virus is still present and that facial coverage and social distance are important.

Coronavirus Testing: Where to Go for COVID-19 Testing in the Chicago, Illinois Area

Earlier this week, Governor JB Pritzker announced he would deploy 12 mobile testing teams in Illinois.

The mobile test site provides residents of Illinois with free drive-through and walk-up tests.

The sites are located in South Chicago, Rock Island, Cicero, Brighton Park, Springfield, East St. Louis.

Pritzker recently testified before the House Committee on the response to the coronavirus pandemic, calling for a national mask delegation and a more powerful national test.

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