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Another tick disease (not Lyme disease) spreading rapidly in the Northeast

Another tick disease (not Lyme disease) spreading rapidly in the Northeast


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A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation found that reported cases of babesiosis, a parasitic disease carried by ticks known to cause flu-like symptoms and even be fatal, occurred in 2011. found that it more than doubled in some states during 2019. parts of the Northeast and Midwest.

important facts

babesiosis, or babesia microti, pass from rodent It is transmitted to humans by black ticks, but the parasite can also be passed from mother to fetus in utero or through infected blood transfusions or organ donations.

CDC study A paper published last week found an increase in babesiosis cases in the United States from 2011 to 2019, Specificor was already endemic in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire, in addition to Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, where it is consistently prevalent.

Of the total 16,456 cases of babesiosis reported to CDC from 37 states between 2011 and 2019, the majority (16,174 cases) were from 10 endemic states.

New York and Massachusetts had the most reported cases of babesiosis between 2011 and 2019, with a total of 4738 and 4136 cases, respectively.

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Vermont and New Hampshire had the fewest reported cases between 2011 and 2019, totaling 114 and 340 respectively.

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most common symptoms Symptoms of babesiosis are flu-like and include fever, chills, sweating, head and body aches, and fatigue. While some people with babesiosis experience no symptoms, others may experience life-threatening complications such as blood pressure fluctuations. low red blood cells Platelet counts, clotting and bleeding problems, kidney, lung, and liver dysfunction. Older people, people with weakened immune systems, or people with serious conditions such as kidney disease are more likely to experience complications from babesiosis. there is. filter It removes the blood and cleans out the cells that have parasites inside.a person who becomes infected with parasites through blood Blood transfusions have also been shown to increase the risk of death and severe complications, reports the CDC.

Diagnosis and treatment

doctor Diagnose A blood test detects babesiosis, which is ultimately treated with a combination of antibiotics and antimalarial drugs.Asymptomatic people usually do not need It has been processed.


People can avoid ticks by wearing tick repellents, covering exposed skin on their legs and feet, staying on hiking trails, staying away from brush and grass where ticks are found, and regularly checking their skin for ticks. You can protect yourself in areas where it is common.

How is babesiosis different from Lyme disease?

babesiosis and Lyme disease Both are carried by black-legged ticks from rodents to humans.Both conditions can occur on the Midwest and Northeast coasts and can be transmitted from mother to fetus and via contaminated blood transfusions. , Lyme disease is usually cause by bacteria Borrelia burgdorferiIn its early stages, Lyme disease can cause headaches and fatigue, much like babesiosis. 70% to 80% The CDC estimates that Lyme disease causes a characteristic rash called erythema migrans around where the tick has entered the skin.


Trends in Reported Babesiosis Cases—United States, 2011-2019 (CDC)

Parasites—Babesiosis (CDC)

Lyme isn’t the only tick disease to worry about in Northeast, CDC says (now)l




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