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Contaminated food can cause urinary tract infections. Here’s how to reduce your risk:

Contaminated food can cause urinary tract infections. Here’s how to reduce your risk:
Contaminated food can cause urinary tract infections. Here’s how to reduce your risk:


Scientists point to a surprising cause of some urinary tract infections. It’s E.coli in meat.a new research Using statistical modeling, we estimated that E. coli, commonly known as the bacterium behind many foodborne illnesses, may be responsible for hundreds of thousands of UTIs annually in the United States. In some cases, experts are concerned.

The new study specifically looked at chicken, turkey and pork. Previous studies have suggested that these foods may be contaminated with types of E. coli that can induce UTIs. last 20 years, scientists increasingly view food as a potential source of infection. New research highlights just how prevalent these food-borne UTIs can be.

A UTI occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and infect the urinary tract. Infections can be caused by poor hygiene (i.e. not wiping properly) or by having sex. Also, some people are anatomically or genetically more prone to developing infections than others. UTIs are harmful and painfulpeople may experience symptoms Discomfort when urinating and the need to urinate frequently. You may experience cramping, fatigue, or a stinging sensation during sex. Dr. Monica Wall-Rosen, his OB-GYN at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, says some people are “hesitant to urinate.” Urinary tract infections occur in both men and women, but they are more common in women because women have a shorter urethra.

UTI symptoms are likely to be the same regardless of the source of infection, says Dr. Rosen. .

A foodborne urinary tract infection starts like most urinary tract infections. When E. coli travels from the intestine to the anus to the urethra, a new study by Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at George Washington University.

“Most of us have E. coli in our gut most of the time,” said James R. Johnson, Ph.D., professor of infectious diseases at the University of Minnesota, a leading researcher on urinary tract infections, and author of the study. I carry it around,” he said.coli can contaminate food, However, humans and animals can also carry germs and pass them on to each other. Most of the time, this bacterium doesn’t bother us. Only certain E. coli strains have the ability to colonize the urinary tract and cause UTIs. “It’s only when they mess up and go where they shouldn’t be that you can have problems.”

Other foods, including plants, can harbor E. coli, which can potentially cause urinary tract infections, but those strains seem to be found more in meat than in other foods, Price said. said Dr.

According to Dr. Johnson, there’s no way to identify the cause of a UTI based on symptoms, but you’re much more likely to be infected with a nonfood source of E. coli than with food-borne E. coli. can cause infections

Dr. Michelle Van Cuyken, a urologist at the University of California, San Francisco, says the study’s results don’t mean you should change your diet right away. “There’s no one-to-one correlation,” she said, adding that she sees a lot of patients with recurrent urinary tract infections who are vegetarians and vegetarians. It may become clear how it affects risk.

Recent findings should remind people to take increased precautions when cooking meat, Dr. Price said. It means pay attention.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people take basic procedure Prevent potential E. coli exposure by safely preparing food and washing hands before, during, and after cooking. Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and other items such as produce. Make sure the meat is cooked to the correct temperature. Refrigerate food properly.

It may seem counterintuitive to associate kitchen hygiene with UTI prevention, but Dr. Johnson says new research on foodborne E. coli can help urination, hydration, and proper maintenance after sex as well. said that it shows that taking these measures may prevent infection.

“Most people don’t really understand how a UTI happens,” he said. “They just happen.”




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