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Experts say spring allergies will be one of the worst ever in SoCal. Here’s how to avoid the symptoms:

Experts say spring allergies will be one of the worst ever in SoCal. Here’s how to avoid the symptoms:
Experts say spring allergies will be one of the worst ever in SoCal. Here’s how to avoid the symptoms:


Los Angeles (KABC) — Stay tuned for a spring allergy season like no other. Doctors say that when the wind starts to pick up, the rain breaks down the pollen and can be disastrous for allergy sufferers.

Knowing this, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from the onslaught of symptoms.

Rodney Villanueva, a Los Feliz schoolteacher, said, “I didn’t have allergies. My sister did.

As a child, he used to make fun of his sister, Villanueva said.

“I especially remember hiking Convict Lake with my wife, after which I couldn’t control my sneezing,” he said.

Experts say Villanueva’s experience is not uncommon, as allergies can develop at any point in life.

Dr. Salima Tovani, an allergist and immunologist at Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center, said:

And with the unusually high amount of rain that has hit Southern California so far this year, expect to be hit with pollen.

“That very heavy rain actually takes the pollen grains and breaks them down into tiny particles that can be easily inhaled,” said Tobani.

Elevated pollen levels can trigger asthma attacks.

Thobani said the best way to overcome allergies is to deal with them before they set in.

“Get your nose done a few weeks before the season starts. Start your nasal steroid sprays early,” Tovani said.

She said this allows her to use less medication throughout the season.

“Don’t wait, be proactive,” Villanueva said.

Villanueva’s doctor also advised taking an over-the-counter antihistamine before the onslaught of symptoms.And the type of antihistamine you take is important.

“Stay away from sedating antihistamines like Benadryl,” Tovani said.

Another thing to remember is to wear a wide-brimmed hat when hiking to protect yourself from pollen.

“Please wear sunglasses to prevent pollen from hitting your eyes directly.”

Also, the mask prevents allergens from entering the nose. Tovani said cloth masks help. If you’ve been in an area with a lot of pollen, wash it like you would any other clothing.

“Take a shower if you can,” she added.

another tip? Stay on top of the pollen forecast, just like you track the weather.

“I just found out about pollen counts. I’ll definitely keep up with that,” Villanueva said.

Armed with this information, Villanueva says she is ready to face the flowers.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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