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How many steps should I walk a day for my health?

How many steps should I walk a day for my health?
How many steps should I walk a day for my health?


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Anyone step goal I know the frustration of not reaching that number and the ridiculous lengths we go to to accomplish the last few steps.

So how often do you need to hit your step goal to start seeing health benefits?

Before you take your evening walk around the house, know that new research shows you don’t need to hit your daily step goal to improve your health. , just walking 8,000 steps once or twice a week can significantly reduce your risk of dying over a 10-year period.

The inspiration for this study was people who only had time to walk for exercise on weekends,” study co-author Kosuke Inoue, Ph.D., a chronic disease epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, told

“Recent studies have shown that more steps taken each day steadily reduce the risk of death from all-cause and cardiovascular disease, but the health benefits of walking intensively for just a few days a week are not significant. We’ve noticed a lack of evidence for benefits,” he explained.

About the research published this week JAMA network openthe researchers used data previously collected for the 2005 and 2006 National Health and Nutrition Surveys. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The researchers included 3,101 participants with accelerometer data tracking daily steps for a week and mortality data for at least 10 years in the study. The average age of the participants was 50 years old, about half were female, and about half were white.

The results showed that participants who walked at least 8,000 steps (about 4 miles) 1-2 days a week were 15% less likely to die within 10 years. Of the 532 participants who walked 8,000 steps or more on one or two days a week, 75 died. Also, of his 1,937 participants who walked 8,000 steps more than three days a week, 107 died.

But profits have since leveled off Walk 8,000 steps or more Those who walked three or more days a week, or four days or more, did not see a further reduction in mortality risk.

It didn’t have to be exactly 8,000 steps. Researchers generally found the same benefits when participants walked anywhere from 6,000 to 10,000 steps.

Participants who walked more than 8,000 steps per week were more likely to never smoke, not to be obese, not to exercise, or to have other conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. Since their step count was measured only for 1 week at baseline, their walking habits may have changed over the next 10 years.

Therefore, people who were able to walk more steps frequently may be less likely to die within 10 years for reasons unrelated to walking, such as medication adherence, family smoking status, or genetics.

Despite the study’s limitations, Inoue explains that the findings are significant “given that one of the major barriers to exercise in modern society is the lack of time.” They suggest that for people who have difficulty exercising regularly, achieving the recommended daily number of steps for just a few days a week may provide meaningful health benefits. “Of course, our findings don’t discourage those who are able to walk more days.”

Find a form of exercise that works for you

Professionals usually walking is great exercise It benefits the body and mind. Also, you don’t necessarily have to hit his 10,000-step goal. previously explained.

In fact, Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine doctor at the Special Surgery Hospital, told that the 10,000-step goal actually came from an early pedometer advertising campaign that preceded the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. I’m talking ” he says.

For those who don’t enjoy other forms of fitness, walking is a great way to keep them moving. For those who participate in more strenuous exercise, walking is also a low-impact way to exercise on their days off. There are benefits.

In fact, experts encourage “Activity Snack” For example, rather than getting all your fitness in one high-intensity class or long walk, or in addition, take it throughout the day. It’s a thing,” Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery, tells

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to finding the right kind of exercise — so long as it’s something you enjoy doing it consistently.

“In my world, the holy grail of fitness is compliance,” explains Metzl. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a yogi, a biker, a walker, or a swimmer. We know people are most obedient to what they do with a smile.”

If your tracker steps are your source of motivation, use it as a tool. If you want to focus on your time, he suggests throwing on a podcast that lasts as long as you shoot.

However, it’s important to remember that the “right” number of steps you aim for in a day can vary from person to person. Also, you don’t need to push your body to achieve arbitrary goals.

“You shouldn’t neglect your body to reach your goals,” said Dr. Lawrence Phillips, associate professor of internal medicine and medical director of outpatient cardiology at NYU Langone Health in New York. increase. previously told“Rather than having one period, you can spread out your activities throughout the day,” he added.

Of course, there are many reasons to take some steps more often than that (supporting mental health, socializing when walking with others, etc.). But based on these results, it’s okay if you don’t reach your daily step goal. As long as you can do a few steps once or twice a week, you may see some benefits.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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