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Virus deaths are getting worse | Coronavirus


New York — According to pandemic data, deaths in the southern and western states have started a long-anticipated turnaround for US coronavirus deaths.

Daily deaths from the virus have been declining for several months, with incidents and hospital explosions seen in states such as Florida and Texas, with daily U.S. infections reportedly breaking records several times recently. I will.

Scientists warned that it would continue. Coronavirus deaths, if they occur, usually occur weeks after the initial infection. Experts also predicted which states would see an increase in mortality at some point in time when increased cases and hospitalizations could be seen. Now that’s happening.

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“It’s been recovering consistently, and it’s recovering as expected,” said William Hanage, a Harvard infectious disease researcher.

According to an AP analysis of Johns Hopkins University data, the daily seven-day moving average of deaths reported in the United States increased from 578 two weeks ago to 664 on July 10. Deaths reported daily increased in 27 states over the period, but most of those states averaged less than 15 new deaths per day. A few state groups are increasing mortality nationwide.

While California reports an average of 91 deaths per day, Texas lags behind by 66, while Florida, Arizona, Illinois, New Jersey, and South Carolina have also seen a significant increase. I will. The recent surge in New Jersey is believed to be due in part to the low frequency of reporting possible deaths.

The effects have already been felt by families who have lost relatives and by health care providers who try to save them.

Rublas Ruiz, a Miami intensive care unit nurse, recently wept during a birthday dinner with his wife and daughter. He said it was overcome by many patients who died in his care.

“I counted in the ICU like 10 patients in less than 4 days, but I stopped it because it was too much,” said a 41-year-old nurse at the Kendal Regional Medical Center on Monday. Lost

According to Johns Hopkins University, the virus killed more than 130,000 people in the United States and more than 500,000 in the world, but the actual numbers are believed to be higher.

Deaths began to increase in the United States in March. About 24 deaths were reported every day in the middle of the month. By the end of the month, hundreds were reported daily and thousands in April. Most occurred in New York, New Jersey, and elsewhere in the northeast.

Perry Harkittis, Dean of Public Health at Rutgers University, said the new virus, which struck densely populated areas, was so fatal that it rapidly struck a group of vulnerable people at nursing homes and elsewhere. .. Jersey.

Many of the outbreaks occurred before government officials imposed home orders and other social distance measures. Daily deaths began to fall in mid-April and continued to fall about a week ago.

Currently, researchers predict that deaths will increase for at least a few weeks, but for some reasons some believe that the numbers will probably not increase dramatically compared to spring.

First, testing is very limited early in the pandemic, and before anyone knows exactly what’s going on, an unrecognized infection spreads in subways, nursing homes, and other public places. It is clear that Testing is now more widely conducted and the magnitude of the outbreak is better understood.

Second, the health behaviors of many people have changed and masks are becoming more common in some places. There are no vaccines yet, but hospitals are improving in treating patients.

Another tragic factor is that the deadly new virus destroys initially vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and those already weakened by other health conditions. So, at least in the northeast, “many of the vulnerable people have already died,” Kharkitis said.

Harage University researcher Hanage said the US is now likely to be in “a much longer, slower burn.” “We don’t see as many dead (as in spring). But we will see the total number of dead, which will grow.”

In other virus related developments:

— Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom will reopen on Saturday. Epcot and Disney’s Hollywood Studios will continue four days later. The move was due to a surge in the number of Florida-positive people with coronaviruses, and the state set records of nearly 500 deaths in a week.

— The number of New Yorkers hospitalized with the coronavirus — 799 — has fallen to its lowest point since 18 March.

Kristin Urkiza is worried that his 65-year-old father’s recent death, at least in some American cities such as Phoenix, could quickly make things worse.

When the risk of the virus was first discovered, quality assurance inspector Mark Anthony Urkiza took precautions such as wearing a face mask and staying home as much as possible, his daughter said.

But that changed after Governor Doug Ducey finished his home order in Arizona on May 15. Restrictions on businesses were relaxed, first blocking local lawmakers from requiring residents to wear masks.

By June 11, Elder Urquiza had fever and cough. He was hospitalized and eventually placed on a ventilator. He died on June 30th.

“His life has been robbed. In an interview with The Associated Press, Christine Urquiza believes that terrible leadership and flawed policies have balanced my father’s life.

Republican Duchy recently changed directions, shutting down a number of companies and allowing the mayor to oblige them to wear masks.

But Kristin Urkiza is worried. Her father was treated when the bed in the intensive care unit was readily available. Currently, some Arizona ICUs are flooding.

“Other families are not reassuring that the hospital has the ability to give dignity and the appropriate health care to the (coronavirus) victims, and that breaks my heart,” she says. It was


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