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How does acute COVID-19 or COVID vaccination affect menstruation?

How does acute COVID-19 or COVID vaccination affect menstruation?


In a recent study published in eye science Journal, Researchers examined the potential effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination and illness on menstrual cycle changes.

study: A retrospective case-control study of menstrual cycle changes after COVID-19 vaccination and illnessImage Credit: Pixel-Shot/


Immunization, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, pandemic stress, and lifestyle.

However, the individual effects of each factor on menstrual cycle changes have not been extensively studied, especially before the emergence of media coverage on this issue.

Insufficient data examining autonomous correlations between the menstrual cycle and SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccines has hampered elucidation of the impact of COVID-19 on menstruation.

About research

In this study, we evaluated potential risk factors associated with menstrual cycle changes following COVID-19 vaccination. To examine the distinct effects of COVID-19 infection and vaccination on abnormal menstrual parameters, COVID-19 unvaccinated individuals were examined according to the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) criteria for abnormal uterine bleeding. included and analyzed.

This study compared menstrual cycle parameters between four different groups. (2) an individual who had previously been diagnosed with COVID-19 and subsequently vaccinated; (3) Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 but not vaccinated. (4) individuals who were not vaccinated and diagnosed with COVID-19 during the study;

Primary outcomes included reports of normal menstrual cycles followed by frequent or infrequent cycles.


Of the survey respondents, a total of 26,710 participated, of whom 8,539 reported receiving one or two doses of the vaccine. The study cohort consisted of her 4,989 vaccinated individuals, with 53% receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and 47% receiving the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. According to this study, the median age of the participants he was 35 years old.

The team noted that COVID-19 vaccination did not alter menstrual cycles in 82% of eligible participants. Nearly 6.2% of participants reported experiencing greater disruption and 1.6% reported less disruption.

In addition, 10.2% of participants reported “other changes” in menstrual cycle length, regularity, duration and menstrual flow.

Comparative risks for frequent vs. normal and infrequent vs. normal menstrual cycles show no significant variation between vaccinated and control groups.

This implied that vaccine administration alone did not correlate with menstrual cycle changes. Multivariate analysis showed a 33% reduction in the incidence of menstrual cycle changes following COVID-19 vaccination in individuals using combined contraceptives.

Conversely, current smokers were 1.3 times more likely to experience menstrual cycle changes, and those with a history of COVID-19 disease were 37% more likely to experience menstrual changes after vaccination. 46% higher from

Probabilities of reporting missing or cessation of menses are consistent between control and vaccination-only groups. However, the infection-only group increased by 27%, and the likelihood of reporting missing or cessated periods increased from 7% in the vaccination-only group to 9% in the infection-only group.

The primary outcome for all participant groups was reports of regular menstrual cycles during the study period, followed by highly irregular cycles. Also, there was no association between COVID-19 infection and vaccination history and the relative risk of irregular versus regular cycles.

The study results show that the relative risks associated with ‘heavier’ versus ‘normal’ periods, ‘lighter’ versus ‘normal’ periods, or ‘lighter and lighter’ than ‘severe’ It showed no statistically significant difference between the inoculated only group and the control group. Versus the “normal” period.

“No change” was the most likely outcome when detecting mid-cycle during the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. This was followed by ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘sometimes more, sometimes less’. No statistically significant difference was observed between the vaccination-only group and the control group regarding the relative risk of ‘high’ vs. ‘no change’ for intermenstrual bleeding (IMB).


In this study, we determined that perceptual changes in the menstrual cycle after COVID-19 infection are common. Additionally, this study revealed that individuals with a history of COVID-19 infection were more likely to report perceptual changes in their menstrual cycle. Notably, vaccination alone did not produce abnormal cycle parameters.

However, people with a history of COVID-19 disease are at increased risk of having more frequent cycles, longer menstrual periods, heavy menstrual flow, and intermenstrual bleeding. Findings are critical to evidence-based counseling practice and are customized to specific individual circumstances.




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