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Research paves the way for wider applications of cell reprogramming in medicine

Research paves the way for wider applications of cell reprogramming in medicine
Research paves the way for wider applications of cell reprogramming in medicine


Researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys have identified a group of proteins that may be the secret to cell reprogramming. This is a new approach in regenerative medicine in which scientists transform cells to repair damaged body tissues. Researchers were able to reprogram damaged heart cells to repair heart damage in mice after a heart attack.Findings displayed in the journal Nature Communicationsmay one day change the way many diseases are treated, including cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, and neuromuscular disease.

Even if a person survives a heart attack, there may be long-term damage to the heart that increases the risk of heart problems in the future. Although a medical need, these findings also pave the way for broader applications of cell reprogramming in medicine.”

Alexandre Colas, Ph.D., First Author, Assistant Professor of Sanford Burnham Prebead Development, Aging and Regeneration Program

Each of our cells has the same number of genes, about 20,000, but cells can choose which genes to turn “on” or “off,” depending on how they look and feel. You can change the function. This is the basis of cell reprogramming.

“Theoretically, reprogramming cells could allow us to control the activity and appearance of any cell,” says Colas. “While this concept has great implications in helping the body regenerate itself, barriers to reprogramming mechanisms have prevented the science from moving from the laboratory to the clinic.”

The researchers identified a group of four proteins named AJSZ that could help solve this problem.
“By blocking the activity of these proteins, we were able to reduce scarring in the hearts of mice with heart attacks and improve overall cardiac function by 50%,” Colas said. .

Although the researchers focused primarily on cardiac cells, we determined that AJSZ is universal to all cell types. This suggests that targeting AJSZ may be a promising therapeutic approach for various human diseases.

“This helps us solve a very big problem that many researchers are interested in,” says Colas. “More importantly, this breakthrough is an important step towards turning these promising biological concepts into real treatments.”

The next step in translating their findings into potential therapeutics is to explore different ways to block the function of the AJSZ protein. According to Colas, the most promising option is to use small-molecule drugs to block the activity of his AJSZ.

“We need to find a way to inhibit these proteins in a way that we can control to reprogram only the cells that need it,” says Colas. “In the coming months, we plan to screen drugs that could help inhibit these proteins in a controlled and selective manner.”

Other authors of this study include Maria A. Missinato, Michaela Lynott, Michael S. Yu, Anaïs Kervadec, Yu-Ling Chan, Christopher Lee, Prashila Amatya, Hiroshi Tanaka, Chun-Teng Huang, Pierre Lorenzo Puri, and Peter D. Includes Adams. Alessandra Sacco, Sanford Burnham Previs. Sean Murphy, Suraj Kannan, Chulan Kwon, Peter Andersen, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Li Qian of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

This work was supported by grants from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (DISC2-10110), the National Institutes of Health (R01 HL153645, R01 HL148827, R01 HL149992, R01 AG071464), and Sanford Burnham Prevy Institutional Support to Alexandre Chorus. Supported.


Journal reference:

Misinato, Massachusetts, others(2023). Conserved transcription factors promote cell fate stability and limit the reprogramming potential of differentiated cells. Nature Communications.




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